How To Get Rid of Cystic Acne? : Cystic acne is a severe form of pimples, which appear in the form of large, inflamed cysts on skin. They are primarily found on the face, shoulders and buttocks, but can also develop on the other parts of your body. They can also emerge in the form of boils and can be quite painful with pus. Cystic acne look unpleasant and can leave behind dark scars if not treated at the right time in the right way.
Junk food, hormonal changes and sometimes certain type of medications and steroids are all the reasons that possibly contribute to this condition. Of course, there are numerous solutions such as antibiotics, steroid shots, and laser therapy available to get rid of cystic acne. Alternatively, there are also plenty of home remedies that may be as equally effective as medical treatments. Best of all, these remedies are safe, cost-efficient, easy and versatile!

How To Get Rid of Cystic Acne? Cystic Pimples Treatment at Home
1. Get rid of cystic acne with alkaline treatment: This is one of the tried and tested methods that not only gets rid of cystic acne but also prevents it from recurring. Take egg white of one egg and apply this all over the affected area. Let it dry and wash off with cold water. Egg whites kill the causal microbes and help maintain a healthier pH of the skin.
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2. Get rid of cystic acne with apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps in balancing skin’s pH value. Mix apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:2 ratio. After shower, pat your skin dry with a towel and apply this mixture using a cotton ball. You may leave it on your skin overnight and shower as usual the next morning.
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3. Get rid of cystic acne with honey and lemon: Mix a teaspoon each of honey and lemon and apply this mixture to the affected area (wash the area prior to application). Leave it on and wash off again with water after 15 minutes. This method helps to get rid of cystic acne and effectively clears up acne marks, thanks to their anti-bacteria and deep cleansing properties. Lemon is also a natural bleacher, thus can reduce scars to some extent.
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4. Get rid of cystic acne with lemon: Lemon juice also helps in unclogging pores by gently exfoliating the dead skin. Apply lemon juice with the help of cotton ball on the affected area. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. Remember to practice this method in the night as lemon makes skin photosensitive. If you use it during the day, be sure to apply sunscreen.
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5. Get rid of cystic acne with turmeric: Turmeric is an excellent natural anti-septic and antibacterial agent, thus fights against all kinds of skin infections. Form a thick but smooth paste by mixing turmeric powder with water. Apply this paste to the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wash off with your regular face cleanser or body shampoo.
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6. Get rid of cystic acne with steam: Steam will help in unclogging and clearing the pores of the skin and thus keeping skin free from oil and dirt, which are main causes behind cystic acne. Have a steam bath every alternate day to see the results.
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7. Get rid of cystic acne with toothpaste: Toothpaste is rich in a chemical called fluoride that helps in drying up the inflamed skin and killing the bacteria. Apply gel-based toothpaste on the acne directly. Let it dry for 15 minutes before washing off with cold water. Some of these toothpastes also have mint as a primary ingredient which may cause tingling to burning sensations. If it is too much for your skin to tolerate, then wash off immediately and try some other remedy.
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8. Get rid of cystic acne with aspirin: Aspirin is anti-bacterial in nature. Crush aspirin and add a few drops of water to it to make a fine paste. Apply this paste directly on to the acne and let it dry. Wash off with cold water.
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9. Get rid of cystic acne with salt-water compress: Salt-water compress treats painful cystic acne and reduces the inflammation and redness around it. Mix half a cup of water with a tablespoon of salt. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply to the affected area. Repeat this 10-12 times and finally wash off with cold water.
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10. Get rid of cystic acne with honey and cinnamon: This remedy is so effective that it is sure to rid cystic acne forever. All you need to do is mix equal parts of honey and cinnamon powder. Apply this paste to the acne and leave it overnight. Repeat this process daily for two weeks to see amazing results.
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11. Get rid of cystic acne with tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins. Take some puree of fresh tomato or use a grated tomato and apply it directly to the affected area. Let it dry and wash off with cold water.
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12. Get rid of cystic acne with pepper: Mix a teaspoon of black pepper to a teaspoon of curd or yogurt. Apply this mixture on the acne, let it dry and wash off with cold water to get rid of cystic acne. The anti bacterial and anti – microbial properties of pepper combined with the soothing properties of yogurt is sure to save you from acne.
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13. Use appropriate face packs to get rid of acne: Using face packs made with fullers earth can be highly beneficial. You can also use other face packs that have deep cleansing properties.
– Fuller’s Earth Face Pack:
- Simply add water to fullers earth in order to make a paste. Let it stay on the skin till it dries up completely before rinsing off with cold water. This can be used on all parts of the skin.
- Take a teaspoon of turmeric, sandal and cucumber juice (obtained by grating or pureeing cucumber) and mix with a tablespoon of fuller’s earth. Apply to the affected area and let it dry out completely. Was as usual once it dries.
– Pore cleansing face pack:
- Take few (2-3) tablets of activated charcoal available in any medical store
- Add this to a mixture of honey, yogurt and green tea (each a teaspoon).
- Apply this face pack once a week to see the results.
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Some preventive tips and tricks to get rid of cystic acne:
- Eat a healthy diet; avoid dairy products for a few weeks to see a difference. Stop consuming oily and deep fried food items and switch over to green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.
- Stop using cosmetic products for some time they add to clogging of pores and leave sediments on skin.
- Always pat dry your face or other parts of the skin after wash, do not rub or scrub your face. Scrubbing usually aggravates acne by spreading bacteria.
- Do some exercises. Strive to stay stress-free and practice yoga to maintain a better emotional state as stress can be a direct contributory factor for hormonal imbalance, thus leading to acne.
- Always use a good medicated sunscreen when out in sun for a prolonged period of time.
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Do try out these cystic acne remedies and let us know which one of these worked out for you.