Bulging or sagging skin under the chin can, also known as the double chin is generally caused by being overweight or due to aging. Along with increasing age our skin loses elasticity, causing flabby skin on other parts of the body such as arms, thighs and stomach as well as double chin. But we must also bear in mind that not always it is an age driven condition. It can also be caused by excessive fats or inheritance for some people. However, to get rid of double chin, some simple exercises and remedies can be worked out at home as mentioned below.

How to Get Rid of Double Chin Naturally?

1. Get rid of double chin with cardio exercise
Doing a simple cardiovascular exercise such as walking, running or skipping can help you get rid of a double chin. Exercise will help you burn calories and lead to overall loss of weight including that of a chin’s.
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2. Get rid of double chin by tongue press
For a tongue press you have to sit up straight (or in a comfortable position). Tilt your head backwards facing the ceiling and touch your palette by rolling your tongue. Put pressure for few seconds. Come back to normal posture and repeat this ten times. You can do this set of exercise at any time of the day.
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3. Get rid of double chin by chewing a gum
This is one of the easiest of methods to get rid of a double chin. All you need to do is to chew a gum daily until you are satisfied with the outcome. If you’re not a gum person, you can also move your jaws as if you’re chewing a gum and repeat this 8-10 times. This is a tried and tested method and will definitely give a chiseled look to your chin.
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4. Get rid of double chin by kissing the sky
Sit in a comfortable position and tilt your head backwards. Just look as if you are trying to kiss the sky. Stretch your lips as much as possible and hold for few seconds. Your chin and jaws will feel the stretch. Now resume your normal position. Repeat this 8-10 times. You can try this exercise as many times as you prefer in a day.
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5. Get rid of double chin by keeping the right posture
Keeping a good posture will help you in getting rid of that extra fat on your chin. Simply sit straight and hold your head straight above your shoulders. You will feel the pressure on your neck and jawline. You can repeat this exercise as many times a day.
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6. Get rid of double chin by superman pose
Not only does this method helps to get rid of double chin, but also belly fat. Lie down on your stomach with your hands parallel to your body. Stretch your head upwards as if you are trying to look at the ceiling. Repeat this 10-15 times.
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7. Get rid of double chin by making a fish face
This method may sound funny but is very effective to get rid of the saggy skin on your chin. Suck your cheeks inside your mouth and hold it for as long as you can. Repeat this for 10-15 times or whenever you like.
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8. Get rid of double chin by oil massage
Oil massage is an excellent method to get rid of loose or sagging skin. Oil helps in nourishing the skin and the massage helps in toning it down. For this, you need your favorite oil, be it almond or coconut. Take a few drops of oil in your hand and rub to warm it between your palms. Massage your neck in an upward direction.
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9. Get rid of double chin by simple head exercise
Stand or sit as per your comfort. Rotate your head from left to right, right to left, anti-clockwise and clockwise, holding each position for 2 seconds. Repeat this as a set of 12 each. Do this exercise regularly.
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10. Get rid of double chin by making ‘O’ shape
Sit in a comfortable position and stretch your head backwards. Open your mouth to make ‘O’ kind of a shape. Hold this for few seconds until you feel the pressure. Repeat this 10-15 times.
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11. Get rid of double chin by eating right
A proper diet will help you get rid of excessive weight which eventually will help you tone your chin as well. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid consuming excess sugar and salt, eat more fiber and fresh homemade food, and avoid junk food or fast foods. Drink a lot of fluids, water and green tea too.
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Other tips helpful in getting rid of a double chin:
- Use thin and smooth pillows as they work as a posture that promotes toning of the skin on the neck
- Incorporate yoga in your lifestyle.
- Whenever you apply moisturizer or any cream, apply it in upward direction, This will help in toning your face muscles accordingly.
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Please let us know which of the methods mentioned above worked for you. Share your experience in the comment section below.