Get Rid of Canker Sores : As irritating as they may be, canker sores are a very common ailment. Canker sores are ulcer-like sores on the lip, inner cheek or inner lips that can make even basic functions like talking or eating a painful task. If you have suffered from one and wondering on how to get rid of canker sores, then we have just the information for you.
Each individual probably will suffer or has suffered from a canker sore at one point in time or the other. The good part about it is that it is non communicable, so there’s less risk that the ailment can be transferred to someone else. Also, it is witnessed that canker sores affect women, teens, young adults and kids more often than others.
So what are the Causes of a Canker Sore?
Canker Sore, most often , does not have a direct cause linked to it. But it is assumed the factors below could be some of the contributing factors in developing a canker sore:
- Stress or fatigue
- Hormonal changes (usually in women)
- If you bit your lip, or hurt your lip in any other way
- Have braces in your teeth, which keep rubbing with the insides of your mouth
- If you are allergic to some kinds of foods and have consumed them
- Eating or drinking any item that has a lot of acid in it, like orange Juice
- Running on a deficiency of vitamin b 12 , Iron, Folic acid, and other such important nutrients, minerals and dietary components
- Frequent Cigarette Smoking
- Gastrointestinal Diseases, like the Crohn’s disease or Celiac disease.
Remedies that help to get Rid of Canker Sores:
Here are some precautionary measures that effectively aid the healing process:
- Having soft, semi solid or liquidized food
- Having food that is low in acidity and spices
- Supplementing the body with the vitamin deficiency identified, for example , deficiency of B – 12, iron, Folic acid, etc
- Use Oral hygiene products that do not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
- Drink cold fluids, or suckle on a Popsicle to get rid of canker sores
- Carefully brush your teeth so that you do not hurt yourself further
- Consume a lot of Yogurt, as it has been known to be effective in helping to get rid of Canker Sores

16 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Canker Sores
In case the remedies above did not help in getting rid of a canker sore, or if your sore is just too painful, you might want to try one of these instead:
1. Salt Water Rinse
You can make a salt water rinse at home in order to get rid of a canker sore. Take a cup of warm water and add a tea spoon of salt in it. Rinse your mouth several times with this liquid.
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2. Over the Counter Medicines for getting rid of Canker Sores
Over the counter medications like milk of magnesia, anbesol or orabase can be applied on the sore with a help of a cotton swab, about 3 – 4 times a day.
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3. Pain Relievers
The pain is the main motivator for people who attempt to get rid of a canker sore. Pain killers such as asprin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs or the Non steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, or naproxen are proven to help relieve the pain developed from canker sores.
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4. Milk of Magnesia for getting rid of canker sores
Mix some milk of magnesia with benadryl liquid and use it 3 -4 times a day as a mouth rinse.
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5. Topical Medications
Some topical medications need to be applied directly to the sore in order to heal it quickly. These medications can be in the form of ointments, mouthwashes, oral medications, toothpastes or mouth rinses and are often beneficial in healing the sore sooner than other remedies.
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6. DIY Numbing Spray as a remedy for getting rid of Canker Sores
Take a glass miser bottle and add 2 table spoons of grape seed oil or olive oil. Then add 10 drops of peppermint essential oils and about 8 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oils. Mix this well and use this liquid to spray on the affected sore about 3 – 4 times a day.
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7. Chamomile Tea Bag Remedy for getting rid of Canker Sores
Take a chamomile tea bag and place it in hot water for a minute. Then drain the excess water and place the tea bag directly on the sore for 3 – 4 minutes. You may be required to repeat this about 3 – 4 times a day.
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8. Sage as a remedy for getting rid of Canker Sores
Take a handful of dried sage and add boiling water to it. Let the herb infuse in it for about 10 – 15 minutes. Now take a mouthful and swish the liquid with the herb in your mouth for about a minute. Then spit it out.
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9. Cream
Take some cream over freshly boiled milk, rub it on your sore and avoid the urge to eat it up and swallow it. Allow the cream to stay on the sore for as long as possible.
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10. Glycerin as a remedy for Canker Sores
Apply a drop of glycerin on the sore directly and let it stay there for as long as possible. Dodge the urge to swallow the glycerin for as long time as you can. The best time to use it, is just before bed.
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11. Aloe Vera as a remedy for getting rid of Canker Sores
Take a teaspoon of aloe Vera gel, preferably freshly extracted, and mix with one tablespoon of water. Swish this fluid in your mouth for a minute and then spit it out. You mat want to repeat this remedy about 3 – 4 times a day for better results.
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12. Coconut Oil for getting rid of Canker Sores
Take some bit of coconut oil and directly apply it on the sore. Try to get a thick lump on to the sore so that coconut oil does not melt away too soon. If you cant seem to get it to stick to the store, mix one tablespoon of coconut oil with half a tea spoon of bee wax and then apply it on to the sore.
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13. Clove Oil Cotton ball remedy for Canker Sores
Take some warm water or salty water and rinse your mouth with it to clean the area thoroughly. Now mix half a tea spoon of olive oil with 4 – 5 drops of clove essential oil and dip a cotton ball in to it. Apply this mix directly to the sore to get rid of the canker sore.
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14. Organic Honey Rub
Swish your mouth with some warm water or salty water before proceeding with this remedy. Take a generous dab of organic honey and apply it directly to get rid of your canker sore. You may want to repeat this remedy a few times a day.
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15. Cayenne Pepper Paste as a remedy for canker sores
Take about a tea spoon of cayenne pepper and mix it with just enough water to make a thick paste of the two. Take a cotton swab and apply this mix directly to the canker sore in order to get rid of it. Apply this mix 2 – 3 times a day in order get relief from pain caused by the canker sore.
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16. Ice as a remedy for Canker sores
Take a cube of ice and rub it directly over the sore till the ice cube melts and the area around the sore slightly numbs. This will reduce inflammation and bring the infection under control.
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Most of the times it is difficult to know what exactly caused the canker sore. In case one can identify the cause, prevention of the sore becomes an easier task. These remedies shared in the article are home based and considered safe for the treatment of canker sores. However, if you did not manage get rid of your canker sores, with or without the usage of these home remedies within a time frame of 2 weeks, you may need to consult your doctor. It is also important to identify if these sores have been occurring too frequently, which again, may have an underlying, unidentified medical condition.
Try using more than one different remedies for treating your sores on and off to help you get to know which one works the best for you. Do let us know how any of these remedies helped you to get rid of your canker sores.