Get Rid of Vaginal Odor : Women wake up to a bit of a splatter every month or so accompanied with that distinct odor that affirms all presumptions about whether it’s “that time of the month” again. But what’s that fishy, rusty smell emanating from down there when it isn’t ‘your time’? It isn’t your dinner, that’s for sure! Often accompanied by redness and itchiness, it is a sort of pungent distinct odor that you can’t seem to cover up for or get to the bottom of. Chances are it’s an infection, herpes, tight clothes or poor hygiene. Whatever it is, it sure is embarrassing, but you don’t have to live with it. Read on to find out how.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor? | How to Make Your Vagina Smell Good?

1. Drink Plenty of Water
If you want to keep the odor at bay, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water naturally expels the harmful toxins and bacteria from your body, upping your metabolic activity. It cleanses out the excess sugar from your body, which is one of the main causes for your lady problems down south. So substitute those sugar craves for some H2O and shoo the stench away.
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2. Pile up on the Vitamin C
Citrus fruits contain high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C which help eliminate free radicals from your body. They act as natural cleansers inhibiting the growth of bacteria down there. Intake of fresh fruits and veggies boosts your immune system, fighting off urinary tract infections of any kind.
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3. Yogurt
Yogurt has been known to control vaginal odor, so consuming it on a regular basis helps in the long run. If yogurt isn’t exactly something your taste buds have grown to like, applying some to the affected area might just do the trick. Use a tampon which has been soaked in diluted yoghurt. You know where the tampon goes! Keep it there for 5 minutes and rinse with cold water.
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4. Baking Soda
Baking soda is quite the weapon when it comes to fighting against infections that cause vaginal odor. It helps maintain the pH balance of the body, especially when a tablespoon of it is consumed in a glass of lukewarm water. You could also add baking soda to your daily bath rituals, which will ultimately lead to stench free cha cha’s.
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5. Neem Water
To deal with the unpleasantry of your little lady part, try some neem related remedies. A simple remedy is to boil some neem leaves in water, cool it down and rinse with it. Neem oil can also be used in the same manner. The antibacterial properties of neem help fend off further infections too.
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6. Apple Cider Vinegar
The most common home remedy ever used to get rid of vaginal odor is apple cider vinegar. It possesses antibacterial and antiseptic properties which help eliminate bad odors from down south. It also maintains the right pH depriving harmful bacteria and infections of a breeding ground. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and consume it daily. You could also add two cups of it to your bath water and sit in it for 15 or 20 minutes. Try this bath several times a week.
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7. Garlic
If the smell of garlic overpowers your little factory down there, then we’ve got some questions for you! But fear not, for solutions we have aplenty! Make a paste off some fresh garlic and apply it to the areas surrounding your vagina. Leave it for about 8-10 minutes. Take a bath soon after unless you want to see which malador triumphs. The antifungal and antibacterial agent that is garlic, helps to fend off odors, making it the ultimate weapon for your lady problems.
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8. Rinse with Tea Tree Oil
To fend off fungal and yeast species, the unique antifungal and antiseptic properties of tea tree oil could just do the trick. Mix about 3 or 4 drops of tea tree oil in a cup full of water and use it to rinse your vaginal area several times a day. You could also opt for a tampon which is dipped in olive oil, placing some tea tree oil at the tip. Leave it in for about an hour, repeating this process several times a week.
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9. Fenugreek
Does your little monthly visitor show up whenever it feels like? At times when you least expect it to or when the watch pot long is boiling? You could just be opening the walls to your dam at the right time with this next remedy. Soak about two teaspoons of fenugreek in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Once you wake up the next morning, strain it and consume it on an empty stomach, right before breakfast. Do this for about two weeks and all your lady problems might just get solved.
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10. White Vinegar
Leave to white vinegar what you can’t seem to get rid of, we’re talking about the odor by the way. Add half a cup of white vinegar with a bit of salt into a bathtub filled with warm water. Instructions say that you should soak your body in it. But since we don’t want to put you in a compromising position of any sorts, you could just take a bath in this. It maintains the right pH for your nether regions ridding it of the odors.
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11. Sitz Bath
Add some Epsom salt to your sitz bath and soak your lower body in it for about 10 minutes. Do this twice or thrice a day to not just get rid of the stench, but also to nip it in the bud. One of the best-tested remedies, without a doubt.
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Vaginal odour is something that every 2 out of 5 women face! For whatever it’s worth, there’s nothing to be embarrassed of! It’s something every woman goes through and isn’t going to stick around for too long. Vaginal odour is no disease and is easy to get rid of. Give these remedies a shot and you’ve got your polished cherry back in no time!