Health Benefits of Hot Water : Water is a very important part of our lives. Our bodies are made up of 70% of water while Mother Earth is made up of 3/4 th of water. Water is present in all living forms on earth. We can survive for almost a month without food but only a week without water. You might be knowing some benefits of drinking water, but here we will inform you benefits of drinking hot water.

Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
For drinking hot water, don’t heat the water up too much. Luke warm water is enough to do the needful. If you are drinking hot water with lemon then use half or full lemon in one glass. If you plan to drink hot water with honey, avoid mixing in more than a teaspoon of honey. Also, you may have a weight loss drink made out of hot water, lemon and honey. Make sure to consume it with an empty stomach though. Let us go through all the benefits in detail.
1. Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water Daily

- It helps to get menstruation timings correct in women.
- It helps in making you poop softer, thus making the whole process a lot easier for you. Check an infographic on Know What Your Poop Says About Your Health
- Like wise, the soothing effect of the water’s heat will help soothe abdominal pain and cure menstrual cramps.
- It makes the blood circulation better in our body.
- It will increase body metabolism and help reduce weight.
- It melts away the excess fats in the body, thus aiding in weight loss.
- As a matter of fact, it will break down the fat present in any region of the body and helps in loosing weight and bettering it’s functioning.
- Warm water is the best cure for coughs, colds and sore throat.
- It will also clean the congestion in your nose.
- Drinking a glass of water early morning will help you get rid of constipation.
- It’s your ultimate solution for detoxifying your body.
Also read : 6 Ultimate Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water
2. Drink Hot Water For Beautiful Skin

- It will keep away your problems like acne and pimple without the need of special treatment.
- Its hydrating nature prevents the skin from drying up!
- It flushes out toxins from the body and helps in making your skin look younger, remove signs of ageing like dark patches, wrinkles.
Also Read : How To Lighten Skin Naturally?
3. Drink Hot Water For Beautiful and Shining hair

- Warm water activates the nerve endings of your hair. This is very vital for promoting hair growth.
- The hydrating nature of hot water keep you scalp sufficiently hydrated to fight dandruff.
- Proper amounts of intake of warm water will help to maintain/get back the vitality of your hair.
- Hair is made up of 30 % water. More fluids, more water gets replaced. Hence gives you a beautiful hair.
Read our other articles on getting a beautiful hair:
4. Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water With Lemon

- The juice of lemon is proven to increase the rate of urination in the body. So, the more you urinate, the more the urinary tracts are kept clean. Also through urination, you can flush out a lot of unwanted toxins in the body. Its citric acid detoxifies the liver.
- Lemon present in your drink helps in digestion. It stimulates the liver to produce digestive juice i.e. bile. The vitamins and minerals found in lemon also heals symptoms of indigestion.
- The acid present in lemons helps to fight against various respiratory problems like asthma.
- Vitamin C in lemons finds its usefulness into many different things. Its potassium content helps stimulate the brain and nerve function, thus boosting your immune system.
- Saponins present in lemons have a antimicrobial property which is good in fighting cold and flu.
- Lemons contain proper and good amounts of acids which helps in balancing pH levels in the body. Thus it will help you combat acidity. It will also help you to keep a check on uric acid which is a root cause of many problems in the body.
- The antioxidants present in Vitamin C is a major solution to most skin problems including wrinkles, acne, blemishes, age spots, scars and even helps lighten your skin tone.
- The smell of lemon is said to lighten moods during depressed times, thus tackle anxiety and depression.
- Freshens your bad breath.
- It is a healer for many ailments like bones, tissues and cartilage.
- The pectin fibre present in lemon, controls food cravings.
Must read : Beauty Benefits of Lemon Peels
5. Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water With Honey

- If you have a sweet tooth, here is a good news-honey is a natural sugar and is a better source of calories.
- It will help you lose weight.
- A glass of warm water with honey will help you improve your digestive system.
- The antiseptic nature of honey will help you get rid of acidity.
- Honey also stimulates the production of intestinal mucus.
- It also helps in keeping the colon hydrated and makes your poop softer.
- The anti-bacterial property of honey will look after your immune system.
- Honey will also get rid of the free radicals in your body and related diseases.
- It reduces the susceptibility to various allergies found in nature.
- Honey contains sugar. Thus consuming it will give you extra energy.
- It will help you get rid of that week long sore throat and irritable coughs.
- Honey and warm water will help you get rid of body toxins in the form of urine or poop. The more you urinate, the more clean are your urinary tracts.
- It will also help you get rid of the excess gas that has accumulated in your stomach.
- It will reduce various cardiovascular strain and control the related disorders in the body.
- It increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body.
Also Read : 50+ Amazing Health and Beauty Benefits of Honey [Infographic]
6. Drink Hot Water To Lose Weight

- It will also control your food carvings.
- Drinking a glass of warm water just before workout will help you lose extra kilos during workout.
- The heat from the water will help you to increase your metabolic rate and thus help in weight loss.
- A study revealed, drinking hot water just before breakfast will decrease your calorie intake by atleast 13%.
- So, in a day a total of 500 calories can be evaded.
- If you feel thirsty, then sip warm water rather than the sugared soft drinks.
Must read : How To Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks?
7. Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water After a Meal

- Drinking warm water after meals help speed up the process of digestion while cold water will only slow down the process.
- Drinking hot water after 20 minutes of your meal will help you lose weight.
- It will also help you boost your metabolism.
Also read : The South Beach Diet To Lose Weight Fast
8. Health Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water Before Sleep

- It’s the best way to retain the essential nutrients in the body.
- You lose water in many forms. So sipping a glass of warm water will help you re-hydrate your body which is essential for it’s proper working.
- Drinking hot water just before going to bed balances all the hormones, energy levels, muscles and joints.
- It will help you get rid of the body toxins through urination.
- It aids in weight loss.
- It helps to digest food.
Also read : 7 Serious Sleep Deprivation Effects & Tips To Sleep Better [Infographic]
That would be all from us on ‘Benefits of drinking hot water’ on various aspects of our life. If you want to inform us and our readers about your personal experience or some extra benefits, do not hesitate to comment below.