Health Benefits Of Olive Oil : It is extracted from the crop of the olive oil tree which is typically native to the Mediterranean. It contains high amount of monounsaturated fatty acids and turns out to be the secret to well being of the people in the Mediterranean region. They are proven to have a healthier body system overall than any of the folks around the world. So what are the benefits of olive oil? What goodness does it bring to you? HNBT reveals to you 16 unbelievable olive oil benefits that will make your jaw drop.
17 Great Beauty and Health Benefits Of Olive Oil
1. Prevents cancer
Olive oil contains a phytonutrient known as oleocanthal. This nutrient serves the same purpose as ibuprofen in reducing inflammation, thus decreases the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence too. There are also two other components in olive oil, namely the squalene and lignans that have been claimed to have a positive effect on cancer. It is also rich with antioxidants that typically prevent skin cancer.
Also read : Cervical Cancer Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
2. Reduces the risk of heart disease
It is well known for its magic in reducing risks of heart diseases. This is because olive oil raises the HDL cholesterol, and lowers LDL cholesterol which later reduces the cholesterol level of your body overall. It also helps prevent the formation of fatty patches and keeps your heart healthy.
Also read : 6 Foods That Help Lower High Cholesterol
3. Reduces the risk of diabetes
Extra virgin olive oil will actually help regulate and balance out the insulin levels in your blood. When olive oil is taken along with a diet low n saturated fats, moderately rich in carbohydrates and also soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables and grains, a person is likely to delay the onset of diabetes.
Also read : 10 Simple Home Remedies For Diabetes
4. Obesity and weight loss
Yes , olive oil are high in calories- but good calories. How does it exactly work is still unidentified by experts. However, it is proven that most Mediterranean possess a healthy weight. It is believed that this is probably due to the amount of extra virgin olive oil they consume.
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5. Prevents stroke too
If it keeps your hearts healthy, then it should be able to prevent stroke too. A research found that older people who regularly consumed olive oil for cooking or salad dressing with bread had a 41% lower risk of stroke compared to those who did not. However this does not mean that olive oil shouldn’t be the only source of fats in your diet. You should instead replace all the saturated fats with unsaturated ones.
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6. Improves depression
It is said that people whose diets are higher in trans fats (fast food and mass produced foods like pastries) are more likely to have depression. However, with higher intake of olive oil and polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils and fatty fish, the level of depression can be lowered. This is because depression may be directly linked to one’s diet, and by replacing the diet with a healthier one, it can be possibly improved.
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7. Improves Alzheimer’s disease
This is claimed to be one of the most effective health benefits of olive oil. Many researchers concluded that diets rich in extra virgin olive oil can combat Alzheimer’s disease effectively, delay its occurrence and improves its symptoms. The magic is actually done by polyphenol found in it.
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8. Protects the liver
Apparently, olive oil combats oxidative stress, indirectly protecting the livers too. Oxidative stress is when the cells become damaged due to the chemical reaction between free radicals and molecules in your body. Olive oil nutrition is high in antioxidants, Vitamin E and is rich with monounsaturated fat. These components are essential to keep the liver healthy, and protect your body against oxidative stress.
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9. Rheumatoid arthritis
It does not instantly cure arthritis, but it helps in improving the pain and inflammation linked to this condition. Although the exact reasons on how olive oil helps arthritis are not identified, it is proven that the oleocanthal in olive oil mimics the action of ibuprofen in relieving pain and inflammation.
Also read : Arthritis; Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
10. Fights Osteoporosis
As we are aware of, osteoporosis is the condition in which the bone mass decreases and over time causes the bone tissues to become fragile. Typically, this condition is linked to deficiency of calcium. However, scientists have claimed that olive oil potentially increases the thickness of bones. This explains the lower number of osteoporosis patients in countries where Mediterranean diet is prominent.
Also read : Osteoporosis Treatments, Causes & Symptoms
11. Olive oil for skin
Olive oil is also a great beautifier and does miracles to your skin. When applied topically on regular basis, it has improved dry skin problems and dark circles too. It reduces the probability of wrinkles and discoloration. To put into simpler words, it just takes your skin to a whole new level.
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12. Treats stretch marks
Stretch marks are difficult to rid and is even difficult to hide. Fortunately, olive oil can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. It improves the elasticity of your skin, and regenerates the skin cells. Heat some olive oil, and give your body a hot oil massage, focusing n the areas with stretch marks. You may do this twice a week.
Also read : How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?
13. Improves chapped lips
Chapped lips are a major problem, especially during cold seasons. Replace your daily lip balm with olive oil and watch the magic happen. You may also make a lip scrub out of olive oil and sugar to get rid of chapped lips. It is claimed to make your lips softer, pink and luscious too.
Also read : Natural Home Remedies to Get Soft and Pink Lips
14. Solution to dry hair
This is one of the most loved benefits of olive oil. Essential oils are very important to nourish your hair and make them shine. Apparently, olive oil may serve these purposes without much efforts. At any time of the day, massage some olive oil into your scalp and hair and leave it on for about 30 minutes. You may rinse and shampoo as usual. You may also use it as a substitute to your daily hair oil, just apply a few drops.
Also read : 13 Foods For Healthy And Beautiful Hair
15. Treats itchy scalp and dandruff
The anti-inflammatory property in olive oil is effective in treating dandruff too. While the antioxidants keeps your scalp healthy and thus prevents hair loss. Apply some olive oil each time before you wash your hair. Massage thoroughly into your scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes. For better results, you may mix with some fresh lemon juice.
Also read : How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?
16. Healthy cuticles
Olive oil also keeps your fingernails and cuticles healthy. All you have to do is rub some extra virgin olive oil into the cuticle area and all around the nails. Another way is to dip your nails in olive oil once in a week. This will moisturize your cuticles, and strengthen your nails.
Also read : 15 Amazing Tips To Protect And Care For Your Nails
17. For earache and ear infection
Ear infection is usually caused by building of wax around the Eustachian tube which results in blockage and fungus catching up. You may treat this infection by dropping a few drops of olive oil into the ear. The obstruction will be cleared in no time. Note : Make sure to heat the oil slightly.
Bonus Infographic On Benefits Of Olive Oil

Also read : 10 Natural Homemade Foot Scrub And Soaks
The rule is basically to replace olive oil with all the other oil in cooking and salad dressing, and you’re already a part of the healthy living journey. Now that you have known the benefits of olive oil from our side, don’t forget to share with us the ones that you know.