Home remedies to get rid of love handles : You know the excessive belly fat you have on the sides of your lower waist or maybe upper hips? They are called love handles, and often times, they indicate your overall health. They are also referred to as muffin top or waist cushion– whatever it is called, one harsh fact about it is that it’s very hard to lose. However, with a combination of workout routines and good diet, you may rid it once and for all. So if you are ever wondering on how to lose love handles, here are some list of foods and workouts to help you out.

Exercises and Diet Plan To Lose Love Handles?
#Method 1: Exercises for Love Handles

1. Oblique press and reach
For this exercise, you first need to kneel on your right knee, with your left foot place outwards in front of you. You have to keep your abdominal muscles tight and your back bone straight. Make sure you are holding a weight in your left hand and place your arms in such position that it forms a 90-degree angle first. Then extend your arms upwards and place your right hand on the floor for support, while bending your body to the right. Later, use your oblique muscles to pull your torso back and return to the original position ( your arms should return to 90-degree angle). Do 3 sets of 12-15 on each side.
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2. Straddle Forward Bend ( Rotated and Modified)
Firstly, take a blog in your left hand, turn to the right and step your feet apart, as shown in the picture. Your body should be bent forward as you place the blog in between your legs, parallel downwards to your left shoulder as you place it. Turn your chest to the opposite direction, which the right while extending your arms upwards. Make sure to maintain your hip level. Then, repeat this with the other side.
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3. Side Plank Crunch
Firstly, lay sideward on your right, place your arms in such way that your elbow supports your body. Place your right foot slightly in front of your left foot. Then pull in your right knew towards the chest and crunch your left elbow toward it. Bring back out to side plank position. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side.
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4. Plank Up-Downs
Get into plank position gain, but this time, with arms straight beneath your shoulder, palms place on the grounds to support your body. Squeeze your butt and your abs tight into the spine. Then, lower down onto your forearm , one followed by the other. Move back up, one followed by the other until you reach the initial position. Avoid rocking your hips while trying this exercise. Try to do 8 for each side.
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5. Around The World Obliques
Stand with your legs apart, slightly wider than your shoulder width. Then extend your arms upward, as far as you can, you should feel it stretching. And bend your body from hips and reach as far as you can to the right, hips and shoulder square forward. Make sure to keep your knees soft, don’t lock them. Repeat 8-10 o each side slowly.
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6. Bicycle Crunches
You will need an exercise mat for this. This one is as effective as the other exercises mentioned above. Firstly, lie down on your back. Then, lift your legs up straight to a 45 degree angle. Keeping your torso muscles strong, place your hands at the back of your head. Then, crunch up as you bring your knees in. When you bend your left knee in, crunch up to the right and vice versa. Continue alternating sides, repeat for at least 15 times.
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7. Knee Drop
Lie flat on your back, abs pulled in tight to your spine. Place a ball in between your knees with your knees bent and lifted to a 90-degree angle. Squeeze the ball between the legs while you drop your knees to the left slowly. Then pull back to the centre, and repeat it with the other side. Make sure your knee is aligned with your hips and hold the ball tight to help you do it correctly. Do sets of 3 with 8-10 reps.
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8. BOSU Ball Kneeling Ab Crunch
You need a bosu ball for this exercise. Place it in front of you, with the ball side facing upward. Then place both your knees on the ball and place your palms on the ground for support. Lift and extend your left leg behind you, and your left arm in front of you. Bring back your hands and knees to the initial position and repeat this with the other side. Do a repetition of 15 in each set you do.
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#Method 2: Basic Diet Plan to Help You Lose Love Handles
1. Water
Water is at it again! Water is the ultimate weight loss component for your body, and it works pretty well for your love handles too Of course, drinking plenty of water alone is not going to make you lose them, but it sure speeds up the process when combined with a few exercises. HNBT suggests that you take a perfect 3L of water per day.
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2. Lemon Water
You should make it a habit to take warm lemon water every morning. Not only will it flush out all the toxins in your body, but also the fat particularly around your waist area. You may add some honey, but make sure not to add more than one teaspoon.
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3. Fruits and Vegetables
What is a diet without fruits and vegetables? Well, not to be typical, but the fact is that they’re the healthiest diet choice one can go for. This time, we are not asking you to include them in your everyday diet, instead make it a big part of your diet. Take apples for breakfast, and carrots for snacks. Also, large portions of broccoli, spinach and capsicum for your larger meals.
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4. Quit the alcohol
Even if you can’t quit it, try to reduce your usual alcohol intake dramatically. The harsh truth about alcohol is they make your stomach bloat when consumed too much. It also makes your body store fats. Hence, make sure not to consume alcohol not more than twice in a week.
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5. Dump white foods
FYI white foods are foods which nutrients are stripped off and have empty calories that does no good to your body. White foods include sugar, white flour, milk, potatoes and also salt. These foods deserve to be eliminated as they only aid in storing fat and cause accumulation of waste products in body.
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This piece is inspired by youbeauty.com. Most of the pictures taken from a great article on “Exercises to Lose Your Love Handles” on youbeauty.
That will be all for methods on how to lose love handles?; Should there be a query, do not hesitate to comment below. Thank you!