Blood Donation

Do You Know How Powerful Giving Blood Can Be? Watch This Video Now

Blood donors donate for all kinds of reasons. Whatever your reasons, you give more than you know.

Just Donate Blood
You Don’t Have To Be A Doctor To Save Lives; Just Donate Blood!

Do You Know How Powerful Giving Blood Can Be?

The American Red Cross will be seeking blood donors at various places. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-733-2767.  CLICK HERE for time and places of blood donation camps. People living outside the States may reach to their local red cross society for the same.

It’s a fulfilling, enriching experience to know that your donation could save the lives of three people. Imagine if we got more people to give blood, how many lives we could save. It’s quick, simple and an amazing way to give back to the community. In essence, every time we give blood we “pass it on” to those who need it. Now it’s up to us to take the message and “pass it on” as well. Let’s spread the word. – source

If you have never donated blood then please make sure to do it this time. All proud blood donors can play a quiz below.

What Kind of Blood Donor Are You?

Try our quiz and find out what kind of blood donor YOU are! Then, do what matters most and give blood.


Donate Blood - Save Life
Donate Blood – Save Life

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