How to Get Rid Of Body Acne? : We all have that moment when there were scars on body left by acne, making it so difficult for you to dress up because you always struggled to hide them. Especially when summer is just around the corner and you have got yourself the most stunning bikini (and of course, you so badly want to wear it). It usually appears on the chest, back and upper shoulders area thus making it very noticeable and difficult to hide.

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For most teenagers, body acne is caused by hormonal fluctuations in body. While for the rest, it can be due to sweat and heat intolerance, lack of nutrition and lack of hygiene. HNBT has decided to come up with several natural remedies that are safe to use, effective, inexpensive and get rid of body acne faster than you imagined.
Home Based Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Body Acne
1. Apple cider vinegar
ACV is at it again! ACV does wonders to skin problems, and body acne is no exception. It helps balance out the pH of your skin and prevent breakouts naturally. It is also an amazing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. You can apply it onto the acne area, but make sure to dilute with some water before doing so. You may also consume it orally with some honey and water.
Also read : Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits
2. Tea tree oil
It is the ultimate acne agent that has solved many cases. Tea tree oil contains anti-bacterial properties and acts as an effective antiseptic. When applied on skin, it helps kill acne-associated bacteria and treats breakouts evenly. Apart from the fact that it is affordable, it also is safe to use and keeps your skin well moisturized. If you’re using tea tree oil for the first time, make sure to dilute it with few drops of olive oil.
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3. Green tea rinse
Who would have ever though? Steep a nice sachet of green tea in a cup of hot water. Wait for the tea to cool down, pour it into a spray bottle, and add more water (not more than ½ cup). After bathing, spray the diluted green tea onto acne area. Pat to dry with a clean towel. You may repeat this daily. The high antioxidant content in green tea will help eliminate inflammation and dryness. It also controls the production of sebum.
Also read : Health Benefits of Green Tea
4. Baking soda scrub
Baking soda is a holistic homemade scrub that leaves the skin smooth, clean and bright. Fortunately, it is also applicable for body acne. But however, you must make sure not to repeat this more than twice a week. Baking soda contains high concentration of alkaline and can be too harsh for certain skin. To make this scrub, you will need to mix two tablespoons of baking soda, with some water. Add water until a thick paste is formed. Gently scrub this paste onto your chest, back and acne prone areas. Then, rinse using cool water.
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5. Honey and turmeric mask
This is one of the best natural tricks to get rid of body acne. Honey moisturizes the skin, while turmeric aids in controlled sebum production and prevents scarring. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of organic honey. Apply it onto acne area, and leave it on for 15 minutes. You may also use it on your face. Repeat every two days once for best results.
Also read : Beauty Benefits of Honey
6. Milk of magnesia
Who knew milk of magnesia could actually cure body acne? All you have to do is just dab a small amount onto the affected areas once daily. It helps by balancing the pH of your body and the temperature of your skin. It also unclogs pores and reduces oil and sebum production.
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7. Sea cucumber gel
It works wonders on any form of scars including of acne’s. Asians widely use this gel for many purposes, from getting rid of scars to soothing wounds. It has been said that sea cucumber gel can rid stretch marks too. How great is that? If you can’t find it in your local pharmacies or beauty stores, you may purchase it online, preferably made in Indonesia. Apply the gel as instructed and watch your scars disappear!
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8. Aspirin
Aspirin has healing properties. Apart from reducing pains, it is also a wonderful remedy for dandruff and acne. To use aspirin for body acne, crush about five tablets of aspirins until it turns into powder form. Then mix the powdered aspirin with three tablespoons of distilled or mineral water and 1 tablespoon of ACV. Apply this on affected area daily.
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9. Cucumbers
Did you know that cucumber cleanses and purify your skin? When the skin is cleansed, it becomes free from dirt and the pores are unclogged, thereby making it hard for the acne to pop out. Get a cucumber, and blend until a smooth paste is formed. Apply this onto your skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes. You may wash off with cool water. Repeat this everyday for best results.
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10. Oatmeal
It is an amazing way to treat your body acne. It works pretty well on body rash too. All that you have to do is mix one tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon with a cup of cooked oatmeal. Rub this against the affected area and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing off. Do this every week. Oatmeal exfoliates your skin, cleanses your pores and absorbs any excessive oil found in skin.
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11. Toothpaste
As strange as it may sound, it is a wonderful remedy to clear up your acne, trust me! It is easy, cost effective and above all, it rids acne without harming your skin. Apply some toothpaste onto the acne area and leave it overnight. It works well for face acne too.
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12. Orange peel
This time, just leave it to the citric acid found in orange peels, a natural acne expert. Plus, they contain vitamin C, which makes it even a better remedy for skin. Place the orange peels under the sun until they dry out just well. Later, grind the peels until it becomes powder, and store in a jar. Twice a week, add water to the powder and apply the paste onto your acne.
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That will be all from us on natural remedies to get rid of body acne. If there are any that you know, we warmly welcome you to share them with us!.