Onion For Hair Growth : The miracle onions can do to your hair has been going viral lately and is pretty much promising too. It is claimed to be one of the most traditional yet effective remedy to treat hair loss and dandruff and promotes a good circulation on your scalp. The magic it does is directly linked to the action of sulfur found in onions. For those who don’t know, sulfur is a forgotten nutrient that plays a huge role in boosting one’s immune and hair growth too. It aids keratin in building a stronger hair, and much healthier too. It lengthens the growing phase of your hair, thus helps your hair grow longer before the shedding process take place. Above all, it does not trigger any side effects and is a cheaper method too! So how do you use onion for hair growth? Let’s go through it.

Onion For Hair Growth : How Does It Help In Hair Growth?
Onion to Grow Hair Faster : Surely it is faster than other methods but we must remind you that it is not an overnight miracle. It will take two to three weeks or probably more for those with slow hair growth process.
How Does Onions Help In Hair Growth? : Due to the high amount of sulfur found in onions, when combined with several other hair growth remedies, it will stimulate the production of collagen tissues which is vital for the growth of hair. It nourishes hair follicles and stimulates the blood circulation of your scalp. On top of that, onion juice is also anti-bacterial, thus fights and prevents infection associated with bacteria and fungi on your scalp. All these in total promote a healthy hair growth overall and reduces the likeliness of baldness too. Also read : Yoga to Reduce Hair Fall and Increase Hair Growth
Onion Juice For Hair Growth – 3 Natural Home Remedies
You may extract the juice by throwing in onions into your food processor or blender. Another way if to grate them finely and squeeze the juice out by using your hand. You can apply the onion juice as it is, or combine it with the remedies listed below for best results.

1. Onion juice + honey
Mix four tablespoons of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey for oral consumption. You can use the same mixture on your scalp too. Massage it into your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing off. You may repeat this every alternate days. You may find the pungent smell from the onions a little unpleasant, hence try shampooing your hair afterwards to get rid of it.
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2. Onion juice + coconut oil
Coconut oil is another great remedy for healthy hair overall. When combined with onion juice, it is claimed to dramatically reduce hair fall and increase hair strength. For this remedy, you may mix equal parts of coconut oil and onion juice and massage it into the hair, especially the scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes before you wash off and shampoo as usual. You may repeat these three times a week.
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3. Onion juice + rum concoction
Personally, I’ve read a lot of good reviews on this method. This will also bring down the pungent smell of the onion. Finely chop some onions (as according to your requirement- on average two). And throw it into a bowl. Then add ½ cup of rum and leave it undisturbed overnight. The next morning, strain the liquid, apply it onto your scalp and massage gently. You may also use it as a hair rinse.
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And of course, there is always the easier method, which is to include raw onions in your cooking and meals. This will however take a longer time to work and requires a lot of patience. Also, remember to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your everyday diet. What you eat is who you are after all. Make sure to take adequate amount of protein and omega-3 fatty acids on daily basis and you shall see a pleasant result within no time. Also check : How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?
That will be all from us on onion for hair growth. Should there be any query, do not hesitate to comment below. Thank you!