Home Remedies : There are so many ways to use coconut oil and these are not limited to just the kitchen. Find out most awesome ways to use this amazing product!
5 Ways To Use Coconut Oil As A Beauty Product [Video]
5 Uses of Coconut Oil On Skin [Text]
1. Shaving Gel : You can use it as shaving gel. It gives a nice clean shave and it also smells amazing.
2. Body Scrub : Mix it with sugar and use it as body scrub. This coconut sugar scrub will make your skin shiny for many days and you do not need any moisturizer. Use this scrub and you are ready to go anytime. Also read : 10 Easy Homemade Foot Scrub And Soaks
3. Eye Makeup Remover : You may like to wash your face when you come home. It is usual that your makeup shall come off afterwards. Many times there is a bit of black spots left around eyes. In that case you may use coconut oil. Pour a few drops of coconut oil on q cotton pad and sweep around your eyes. Voila, you now have a clean face. It work like a magic- and leaves not even a tiny bit of make up stain behind.
4. Moisturizer : This is a common use of coconut oil. You can use it on body parts that are really dry like elbows, knees and even on lips. You can also combine with sugar and use it on lips as lip scrub.
5. Blush : Not many people do this. You can match your lipstick with your blush using coconut oil if you do not have a corresponding blush. Dab a bit of your lipstick on your cheeks. Get tiny bits of coconut oil and then rub it on your cheeks to match your blush and lipstick. The best thing about this idea is that it doesn’t affect acne prone skin.
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Coconut Oil Benefits

Source : Video by Anika Marjaria