Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction : Erectile dysfunction (ED), sometimes known as impotence is a very common health issue affecting millions of men worldwide. While male egos might not like to discuss the same, this is definitely a talking point that cannot be shrugged off as a mere happening that may or may not occur in the future. Though the condition is more prominent in men over the age of forty, there have been cases reported involving men below this golden number.
ED is a condition wherein a man is unable to achieve or sustain an erection which then becomes a direct cause of low self-esteem, depression, and guilt. Before we proceed to list of home remedies for erectile dysfunction, let’s take a look at the types of ED.

Types of ED
There are two main categories of erectile dysfunction, mainly physical and mental.
- Physical
This involves the narrowing of blood vessels for a number of reasons, including the likes of high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, obesity, heavy drinking, certain prescription medications, and so on. - Psychological
This includes anxiety, stress, depression, mental health issues, and not to forget relationship problems as well.
The key is to identify the underlying cause and then treat it. This could be treated with a few home remedies, though it is best that you follow them up after you consult a doctor for the right diagnosis. Here are few home remedies for erectile dysfunction.
8 Tried & Tested Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
1. Almonds
Almonds are considered to be natural aphrodisiacs which have left millions of people satisfied without a doubt. This is mainly due to the vitamin E present in them, that promote healthy blood flow and circulation all over the body. As an added bonus, almonds are rich in zinc, manganese, and copper, which your body could definitely use.
Here are a few remedies for you to experiment with:
- To a glass of warm milk, add a tablespoon of powdered almond. Consume this before you go to bed every day.
- Soak a handful of almonds in water for a couple of hours. Eat these every day roughly thirty minutes before you hit the sack.
- You would have to follow up with either of these remedies every day for a month to notice an improvement.
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2. Pomegranate Juice
One of the best home remedies for erectile dysfunction is the antioxidant-rich fruit, pomegranate. In addition to improving blood circulation, it helps to reduce stress to some extent. Also, it increases the nitrite oxide levels in the body which is proportional to an increase in blood circulation.
Here are remedies you could try out:
- Consume a glass of pomegranate juice on a regular basis.
- You could also opt for pomegranate supplements. But you know the golden rule about supplements, make sure you pop them in only if your doctor advises it.
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3. Carrots
Carrots are also effective in treating ED due to their aphrodisiac qualities and high beta-carotene content.
Leverage carrots in the following ways:
- Include raw carrots in your daily meals or salads.
- Make a juice of three medium-sized carrots, three celery stalks, and half a beetroot, with two garlic cloves. Drink this juice once or twice every day.
- You could also drink a glass of warm milk with two tablespoons of grated carrots.
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4. Onion
Onions also make one of the best home remedies for erectile dysfunction as they are aphrodisiac in nature. In addition to that, they help treat involuntary loss of semen during sleep or other times.
Here are a few ways you could use onions:
Remedy I:
- Slice one large white onions.
- Fry the slices in clarified butter on low flame until they turn brown.
- Eat them with one tablespoon of honey daily before having your dinner.
Remedy II:
- Alternatively, finely chop two large onions and steep them in two cups of warm water for 10 minutes.
- Drink half a cup of this liquid three times daily for one month.
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5. Garlic
Garlic is also great to get rid of erectile dysfunction as it contains allicin which improves blood flow. Eating four cloves of garlic daily for three months improves the condition greatly.
Here are a few remedies for you:
- Heat a few garlic cloves with a little bit of clarified butter on low flame until they turn golden brown.
- Chew three to four cloves of the charred garlic daily.
- Mix together one teaspoon each of garlic powder and cayenne pepper powder. Consume this with water a few hours before going to bed.
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6. L-Arginine
L-arginine is essentially an amino acid which increases the nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide, in turn, increases blood circulation and facilitates erections by dilating blood vessels in the penis.
Eat protein-rich foods such as meat, chicken, fish, peas, and nuts that contain L-arginine in high amounts.
You can also take L-arginine supplements after consulting your doctor.
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7. Ginger
Ginger is one of the most effective home remedies for erectile dysfunction. It has aphrodisiac properties that help relieve impotency and premature ejaculation as well. Also, the active compounds in ginger such as gingerol, shogaol, and zingiberene stimulate blood circulation.
Here are a few home remedies for you:
Remedy I
- Prepare a mixture of two teaspoons each of ginger paste and honey.
- Consume this three times a day for one or two months.
Remedy II
- Mix one-half teaspoon of ginger juice with one soft-boiled egg and one tablespoon of honey.
- Eat this mixture once daily before going to bed for a month.
Remedy III
- Drink two or three cups of ginger tea daily.
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8. Acupuncture
Acupuncture has also been used to treat problems such as ED for a while now. It is said to improve the quality of erection in men. This is basically an ancient Chinese practice wherein a practitioner inserts hair-thin needles into specific points on the wall of the abdomen. This, in turn, restores the proper flow of energy in the body. If you do decide to go ahead with this treatment, make sure to have it done by a trained practitioner.
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Apart from these home remedies for erectile dysfunction, in many cases, changes to your lifestyle and diet can help ease the symptoms of ED. These lifestyle changes include exercising and losing weight. Also, if you could stop smoking and curb your alcohol intake, you could be doing yourself a huge favor, if you know what we mean!