Get Healthy Hair : Having beautiful hair almost becomes a need for every woman. And for that sake, you might have tried many remedies and shampoos just so your hair would grow well and healthy. But here’s the real deal, to have a healthy hair, good shampoos and natural remedies alone are not enough, you also need to eat healthy. What you eat is what you become after all. Health experts have proven that the growth of your hair is 70% associated to what you eat. If you’re ever wondering on how to get healthy hair?; here is a list of foods that will help your hair grow thicker, shinier and stronger than ever before.

Get Healthy Hair – 13 Foods For Healthy Hair
1. Whole Grains

Whole Grains work magic on your hair. They contain high amount of zinc, vitamin B and iron which are essential to stimulate your hair follicles. Not only that, the nutrients found in wholegrains regulate the hormones that have direct connection to your hair growth. Include barley, oats and ragi in your everyday diet for a beautiful hair!
Must read : 20 Types Of Whole Grains, Nutrients In Them And Their Benefits
2. Lean red meat

As much as they are important for blood flow and muscle growth, red meat are also effective for hair growth. This is because lean red mead are storehouse for iron, which is the most crucial nutrient for hair growth and strength. Several studies have proven that deficiency in iron can lead to thinning of hair and baldness.
3. Almonds

Not only are they a good source of protein, they’re also a great source for magnesium and calcium. Obviously, the iron found in almond reduces hair fall. But there’s also another wonder that almond can do- magnesium serves as an anti-stress mineral, thereby switching off your stress which later reduces hair fall.
Must read : How To Treat Hair Loss And Baldness?
4. Blueberries

Blueberries for healthy hair, who would have ever thought! If you’re already a blueberry love, here is why you should love it more. It is one of the major sources of antioxidants, which reduces any inflammation in your scalp and hair. It also protects your nails and detoxifies your body.
5. Salmon

Not everyone can get used to its strong taste, but here is why you should. Eating salmon can promote hair growth, strengthen your hair and nourish your scalp. It’s the Omega-3 fatty acid and protein found in salmon that does all the magic.
Also read : 12 Reasons Why Peanut Is A Healthy Food
6. Oysters

Oysters are loaded with zinc, a nutrient essential for hair growth and hair strength. If you have a seafood allergy, opt for zinc supplements instead. It is also said that zinc keeps your nails and teeth strong.
7. Eggs

You are encouraged to take a minimum of one egg per day- preferably boiled egg. Eggs are natural source of protein, biotin and Omega-3 fatty acid, the nutrients that are needed to keep your hair healthy. Just so that you know, eggs are high in cholesterol, but the good-hearty cholesterol that you need to keep you heart and body healthy.
Must read : Egg White Hair Masks For Beautiful and Healthy Hair
8. Avocados

It is a traditional way of preserving the beauty of hair and skin. FYI, avocados contain high amount of fatty acids that stimulate the collagen and elastin production in your skin. Not only that, when applied topically on hair, it nourishes your scalp and make your hair feel silky smooth.
Also read : 12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Avocados
9. Yellow peppers

Vitamin C is equally as important as protein in maintaining a healthy scalp and hair. And if you don’t know, yellow bell peppers are said to have nearly five times and more of vitamin C than oranges do. The goodness that vitamin C can do to your hair: it strengthen your hair roots and prevents breakage effectively.
10. Sweet potatoes

Personally, I am a huge fan of sweet potato. But little did I know that it helps in thickening of hair. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, another essential mineral for your hair. It helps in stimulating your hair cells and prevents dandruff too.
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11. Green tea

Green tea contains abundance of antioxidants, which is necessary for skin and hair. You can either apply it topically, or consume it orally. It works both ways. Here’s the best part, you may use its sachet on your dark circles after that!
12. Spinach

Spinach should be made every woman’s favourite. Not only does it do wonders to your hair, but it also makes your skin glow and regulates your blood flow. You should take more of other leafy green vegetables too. They usually are rich with zinc, vitamin C and iron. Eating spinach everyday helps your hair grow faster and healthier than usual.
13. Carrots

Carrots, another great source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. It helps prevent dandruff, nourishes your scalp and strengthens the roots of your hair. Here is more, it also improves eyesight tremendously.
Must read : Yoga and Pranayam to Reduce Hair Fall
That will be all from us on foods for healthy hair. The rule here is simple-always make sure to include adequate amount of iron, zinc, protein and Omega-3 in your daily diet. With proper nutrition, your hair will begin to grow faster and healthier as compared to usual. Now that you know how to get a healthy hair?; don’t forget to share with us the results here in HNBT.