How to Treat Cystitis in Cats?: There is a lot your feline friend can’t tell you, the worst one being their inability to express pain. Throughout the course of their life, they are bound to suffer from various diseases and the most common of them all is cystitis. In case if you’re wondering what that is, it is when their bladder becomes inflamed. Note however that it is not the equivalent of a urinary tract infection. The inflammation is due to a mere irritation, or an infection at worst. Cystitis is common in younger kittens; with age, the likelihood of it occurring decreases.
Cats suffering from cystitis often find it challenging to urinate; they may even make frequent attempts to urinate, with very little success. Apart from this, symptoms include loss of appetite, bloated stomach, pain, licking of the urinary opening and mood swings. Here are some of the home remedies you may try to treat cystitis in cats before taking them to the vet..

10 Best Home Remedies To Treat Cystitis In Cats
1. Water
Since it is a bladder problem, the first solution points at ensuring that your cat is drinking the right amount of water. Hydration is the only way to solve this problem as it has he power to directly affect the health of your cat’s bladder, making it the most vital method to treat cystitis in cats. Keep your cat’s water bowl filled with water at all times. Nudge it towards the cat a couple of times to show persistence. In cases where he/she is being reluctant, try adding some tuna juice to the bowl of water. If your cats like running water (like mine), get a drinking fountain for pets. It’s very effective.
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2. Wet food
Once you’ve got the hydration covered, make dietary changes to ensure that your cat’s body is getting sufficient amount of fluids to flush out the bladder contents correctly. Wet food is the best way to promote this. Ensure that the diet is anti-inflammatory in nature, containing ingredients such as wheat, corn or rice. Further, encourage feeding it canned food. Check for canned food that is low in magnesium content and preferably easier to digest. Additionally, feed it with food that promotes acidic urine; your vet would be able to recommend the best canned foods for in this case. It’s best not to serve food in a small bowl, as cats don’t like their whiskers touching the sides. Also stay away from dry foods like grains and avoid food coloring and chemicals.
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3. Corn Silk
This is yet another brilliant home remedy that can be used to combat any bladder issues in your feline friend. Since corn silk is rich in polysaccharides, thus helps in bringing down the intensity of pain as well as the inflammation that may arise due to cystitis. Additionally, it increases the urine output and promotes a healthy bladder overall. You may provide your cat with some corn silk powder or tincture, whichever is advised by your vet.
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4. Coconut oil
Yes, as strange as it may sound, coconut oil has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that bring down inflammation that may potentially arise in the bladder. It also has very high nutritional value, hence can help promote your cat’s overall health. Add about half a tablespoon of coconut oil into your cat’s food. What I did a couple of times with my cat was putting a pea-sized drop of coconut oil on her paw, so she could lick it. It’s sly, but effective.
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5. Cranberry juice
This came to me as a surprise too, but this works wonders in preventing the growth of bacteria and tissues in the urinary tract due to the components present in the juice. Additionally, its acidic nature helps maintain the pH level of your cats urine, making it another effective home remedy to treat cystitis in cats. A few drops of cranberry juice can be added to your cat’s water bowl; they won’t even know what hit them! You may also choose to add some dried cranberries into your cat’s food.
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6. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
It is of no surprise that this wonder ingredient made its way to this list too. Apparently, ACV is effective to combat bladder issues in cats as they speedily reduce potential inflammation, whilst promoting the cat’s immune system. You may use unfiltered apple cider vinegar in your cat’s water bowl; not more than half a teaspoon, however. Alternatively, you may choose to mix a quarter of a teaspoon into your cat’s food (this is less evident).
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7. Bone Broth
Simmer some bones in water for an elongated period of time; this contains high content of vitamins and minerals that contribute to nourishment for a struggling pet. Bone broth is a great remedy to treat cystitis in cats because it is packed with nutrients, and cats surprisingly seem to love it. Not only does it promote hydration, but it also helps the digestive system function better as well. Serve about half a cup of bone broth to your cat daily; ensure that while making the bone broth, you simmer the bones in filtered water only.
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8. Couch Grass
This is a powerful herb that has many anti-inflammatory properties, helping lessen the pain cats may face during urination while undergoing cystitis.
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9. Reduce stress level
This might sound bizarre, but cats experience stress as well. Ensure that your cat is not stressed out too much, as it contributes a great deal to the occurrence of cystitis to begin with. As your pet’s owner, it is your responsibility to bring down the stress level; spend some quality time with your pet, set aside some time to play with it and show affection continuously. A tip: try finding some hiding spaces for your cat in each room; this makes them feel more safe and comforted.
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10. Adequate amount of rest
If your cat is experiencing cystitis, chances are your cat is undergoing continuous fatigue and feeling excessively tired. It is important to give it the rest it requires. Proper rest helps in the healing process. Let your pet stay at home; don’t play with it for too long at a go, as this may drain out its energy. In short, ensure your cat is as comfortable as possible.
Those were some of the best home remedies to treat cystitis in cats. Should the symptoms persist after the start of three days of home treatment, seek medical assistance from your vet.