9 Moisturizer Mistakes You Are Committing!
Moisturizer Mistakes : Cleansing, toning and moisturizing form a very important part of our beauty regime. Each and every part of the beauty regime has to be done perfectly to get the flawless skin you have always dreamed of. For instance, cleansing has to be done twice a day to remove dead skin cells, bacteria,…
Yoga For Diabetes : 10 Yoga Poses To Keep A Check On Diabetes
Diabetes is something which all of us have heard of. For those who don’t know, it a disorder caused by lack of insulin or ineffective use of insulin in the body. Due to this, the glucose level in the blood rises up. Some common and major side effects include frequent urination, fatigues, bruises taking longer…
Quiz : How Much Do You Really Know About Sunscreen?
Think you know how best to protect yourself and your family in the sun this summer? Take this quiz and test your sun safety knowledge!
Foods High In Zinc : 15 Zinc Rich Foods For Zinc Deficiency
Foods High In Zinc : If lately you have been experiencing cravings for sweeter or saltier foods, that is probably a sign of zinc deficiency. Zinc (Zn) is an antioxidant found mostly in seafood, particularly oysters, dairy and also meat products. Being the most important substance for cell division, Zn plays an important role in…
15 Ways To Include Coconut Oil In Your Beauty Routine To Save Money
Coconut Oil has many different beauty purposes, for your whole body. It can save you up to $35-$50 dollars a month! let’s learn how? 15 Ways To Include Coconut Oil In Your Beauty Regime
Onion For Hair Growth; How Does Onion Help In Hair Growth?
Onion For Hair Growth : The miracle onions can do to your hair has been going viral lately and is pretty much promising too. It is claimed to be one of the most traditional yet effective remedy to treat hair loss and dandruff and promotes a good circulation on your scalp. The magic it does…
13 Amazing Workouts For Perfect Butt and Hips
Workouts For Perfect Butt : To attain perfect hips and butt, diets for fat loss alone will not be sufficient. You will also need to spare time for workouts that will help you tone the muscles of the butt and thighs, which later will make your lower body much firmer and in great shape. Hence,…
A Story For Inspiration – Weight Loss Journey of Niharika Banerjee
“It is very easy to be fat, however, it is not easy to live your life in the same way. You may tell yourself everything – you are not exceptionally fat, or people should respect you the way you are, or how puny the matter of being fat is.” I understand this because I have…
Quiz: Which Workout Suits Your Personality Type?
Whether you’re burned out on your current routine or looking to get serious about exercise for the first time in awhile, the key to success is finding an activity that you actually enjoy. Take this quiz, and then take your butt off the couch once and for all.
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