Maintain A Healthy Kidney : What you eat reflects your health overall. Just like any other disorders, kidney problems require their very own diet too. To maintain a healthy kidney, apart from drinking plenty of water, you also need to consume some super foods that will protect against any undesirable fatty acid oxidation. Your diet should consist of the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, fats and sodium. So this time, to make things easier for you, HNBT comes up with a list of top 13 super foods that is needed to maintain a healthy kidney.

Top 13 Super Foods To Maintain Healthy Kidney
1. Cauliflower
It is a cruciferous vegetable that is high in vitamin C, folate and fiber. Besides that, it contains a generous amount of indoles and glucosinolates. These are essential compounds to help the liver neutralize toxic found in body and preserve the cell membranes and DNA. Cauliflower is the healthiest taken boiled or poached. You may also have it mashes, which tastes just as good as mashed potato! Also read : 13 Foods For Healthy And Beautiful Hair
2. Red bell peppers
This is the perfect vegetable for a kidney diet because it is low in potassium, and high in Vitamin A, C, as well as B6. In addition, red bell pepper is also an excellent source of folic acid and fiber which is needed to help the kidney perform its functions well. Did you know that they even help in preventing certain cancers? This adds another reason to why you should consume more of it. Also read : Foods To Increase Memory Power
3. Cabbage
I personally have always loved cabbage. It tastes yummy in whatever ways you serve it! But here is what you don’t know. Cabbage is packed full of phytochemicals, a chemical compound found in some fruits and vegetables that destroys the free radicals before they cause any damage to your internal system. This chemical compound is also said to fight against many cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Also read : 9 Iron Rich Foods To Treat Iron-Deficiency Anemia
4. Garlic
Garlic is at it again. There is nothing that garlic can’t do, from maintaining a healthy hair to protecting your heart. They contain anti-inflammatory properties that prevents against inflammation of your kidney. It also kills the bacteria that could damage your kidneys. It works the best when consumed raw. Also read : Extra-ordinary Health Benefits of Garlic
5. Onions
Of course, where there is garlic, there are onions. I am sure a lot of you include it in your cooking because they always make dishes taste better. But here is more, onions are actually low in potassium. Anything that is low in potassium is good for your kidneys. They are also powerful source of antioxidant and flavonoids, which certainly aids in better functioning of your kidney. Also read : List of 9 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
6. Blueberries
This is another super food that contains everything needed to maintain a healthy kidney ; sodium, phosphorus, vitamin C and lots of anti-oxidants. These minerals in turn keep the blood clear from toxic and prevent unwanted oxidation of fatty acids. They keep your bones and brain healthy too. Also read : 12 Reasons Why Peanut Is A Healthy Food
7. Apples
Apples play an important role in maintaining a good cholesterol level, prevent constipation, protect against heart diseases and improve eyesight. And of course, it also maintains a healthy kidney. This is because apples are rich in antioxidant and vitamins. It also keeps your urine clear. An apple a day does keep the doctor away! Also read : 8 Foods That Can Help You Grow Taller
8. Cranberries
High in acidity, cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections efficiently. It makes your urine acidic which in turn keeps the bacteria from thriving. They also prevent bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder. To put into simpler words, cranberries are good for your kidneys and urinary health overall. Also read : Foods And Exercises To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms
9. Cherries
It is one of the most generous sources of antioxidants and flavanols, which eases high blood pressure and few other symptoms of kidney disease. It contains the right amount of sodium and potassium too. According to a recent study, people who ate more cherries had healthy kidneys compared to those who did not. Also read : 12 Fantastic Health And Beauty Benefits Of Curd
10. Red grapes
Just like cranberries, red grapes are also acidic. They kill all the bacteria and germ found in kidneys and urinary tract. They also help the muscles to relax, thus improving your blood flow. Red grapes are an excellent source of flavonoids that protects against cancer and prevent any type of inflammation. Also read : Unbelievable Benefits & Uses Of Cucumber [Infographic]
11. Olive oil
As we all know, olive oil is an anti-inflammatory agent. The monounsaturated fat found in olive oil protects your kidneys against oxidation. It is also said that olive oil is a great way to treat kidney stones naturally. They help lubricate the stones so that they can pass easily. This is certainly an easy way to maintain a healthy kidney. Also read : Top 16 Health Benefits Of Olive Oil You Should Know
12. Lemon juice
Its acidity helps in breaking down kidney stones, which in turn keeps your kidneys problem-free. Not only that, the citrus in lemon prevents the crystals that are already present in your kidneys from binding with each other. Take two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice daily to keep your kidneys healthy! Also read : Mind-blowing List Of Benefits and Uses of Lemon Peels
13. Apple cider vinegar
ACV should be called the universal remedy. There’s almost nothing it can’t do! We are sure you have heard that apple cider vinegar is good for your heart, blood pressure and weight loss. but did you also know that it does miracles to kidney? It regulates the acidity in your blood, thereby making it easier for your kidneys to filter all excessive substances. Also read : 10 Quick Home Remedies For Sore Throat
However, make sure to limit your calcium and sodium intake on daily basis. For some people, kidney stones are caused by excessive amount of calcium. You should also avoid any foods that are high in oxalate, such as raspberries ( black raspberries especially), blackberries, rubarb, tofu and even celery. Your oxalate intake should not be more than 50mg per day. Should there be a query or feedback, do drop a comment.