Tag: dangers

  • 7 Major Negative Effects Of High Protein Diet Plan

    High protein diet plan– It’s becoming almost  culture among the youngsters these days to consume protein shakes to boost up the results of going to the gym-for the sake of losing weight, and then bulking up. There is also the high protein low carb diet, also known as the Atkins Diet which is another popular…

  • Do You Know How Powerful Giving Blood Can Be? Watch This Video Now

    Do You Know How Powerful Giving Blood Can Be? Watch This Video Now

    Blood donors donate for all kinds of reasons. Whatever your reasons, you give more than you know. Do You Know How Powerful Giving Blood Can Be? The American Red Cross will be seeking blood donors at various places. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-733-2767.  CLICK HERE for time and places of blood donation camps. People…

  • 6 Ultimate Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water

    6 Ultimate Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water

    Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water : This time, it has come down to a battle between tap water and mineral water, or also known as bottled water. By comparison, which one is better? Is bottled water a healthier choice? First, we should learn and understand that both tap and mineral water have their pros…

  • Steroids Side Effects – The Dangers Of Steroids

    Steroids Side Effects – The Dangers Of Steroids

    Steroids are the synthetic derivatives of the male hormones namely testosterone that are usually taken to improve the muscle strength and size. They are very helpful for treating some diseases. And, if you are ever wondering about steroids side effects; then this is the right place for you to learn them. And trust me, they trigger too many…