High protein diet plan– It’s becoming almost culture among the youngsters these days to consume protein shakes to boost up the results of going to the gym-for the sake of losing weight, and then bulking up. There is also the high protein low carb diet, also known as the Atkins Diet which is another popular diet trend among those who’re working their way up to weight loss. For most healthy people, high protein diet does not cause harm for the first 6-8 months. But however, in the long run, several health problems can be caused. This is because the weight loss comes from the water and muscle loss, instead of fats. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the 7 reasons why high protein diet plan is not good for you.
7 Reasons Why High Protein Diet Plan Is Not Healthy
1. Kidney problems
Too much of protein will stress your kidney making it work twice as harder than usual. This will result in kidney exhaustion, leading high level protein in the urine and also kidney stones. Plus, low level of carbohydrates will result in more urination, which can cause dehydration.Those with pre-existing kidney problems should seek for a medical advice before starting on high protein diets.
Also read : Top 13 Superfoods To Maintain A Healthy Kidney
2. High cholesterol
When you consume protein of natural source, especially from red meat, eggs and dairy product, you are likely to develop a higher level of cholesterol. This is because these products contain high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol.
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3. Heart diseases
When there is an increase in your cholesterol level, you are likely to have increased chances of getting heart diseases too. According to a studies conducted in 2012, animal protein increased the risk of heart attack among men at 34% compared to that of vegetable protein- this was associated with the amount of saturated fats found in animal protein.
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4. Cancer
Of course, protein is good for your health. In fact, it is one of the most important nutrients needed to keep your body functioning. But here is where it goes wrong- exceeding the limit of protein intake on daily basis may lead to cancer. There is no exact reason behind this, but when protein is highly consumed by the mid-aged, they have chances of getting a cancer.
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5. Poor nutrition
Take protein shakes for instance. They merely supply your body with protein, fiber and antioxidants. And they fail to provide you with significant amount of calcium, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. The same goes to protein supplements too. Bear in mind, your body needs both macro and micronutrients at a balanced level in order for the system to function efficiently.
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6. Low calcium
Another problem with high protein diet plan is that, it usually causes leeching of calcium from your bones. If you are wondering how, your body regularly releases acid to aid digestion of protein, and the process of absorption of the acid is only possible with the help of calcium. When you don’t get sufficient calcium, your body extracts the calcium from your bones.
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7. Intestinal irritation
Excessive protein consumption have been linked to constipation, diarrhea and gas problem. Especially protein powder, depending on its type of protein and sugar, they can cause bloating due to lactose intolerance. Otherwise, dehydration is the reason behind constipation-too much of protein can dehydrate your body.
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Those were the top 7 facts you need to know before going on a high protein diet plan. If you intend to lose weight and then bulk up, go for wiser choices of protein; skinless chicken, fish, lean beef and pork. Also, go for carbs sourced from multi grains and natural fiber from fruits and vegetables. Not only that, make sure to check your protein powder nutritional label to check if it is high in cholesterol, sugar and fat. Here is a table to help you determine the amount of protein you should take according to gender and age.
If there are any other effects that you know, do share them with us here in HNBT.