Increase Height Naturally : Being tall, has its perks and advantages- from reaching the tallest of cabinets to becoming a model like Naomi Campbell. Unfortunately, not all are blessed with a tall figure. Although some of us have no qualms about being short, there are others out there who are on a constant search for ways to grow taller.
If you are a pretty damsel, you have an instant fix to look taller instantly- high heels, an ever brilliant innovation in the human history. However, the fact that it’s only a temporary fix and does little for the men folk can be quite a turn off, which is exactly why HNBT will be sharing with you a list of exercises, yoga poses and foods to grow taller that actually works.

List Of Super-Foods To Grow Taller For Real

1. Eggs
Rich in Omega-3 fatty acid, eggs will improve your growth overall. It not only boosts your height but also offers other benefits to your skin and hair. Constantly associated with the myth that it directly increases one’s cholesterol level, the numerous benefits that eggs offer are often overlooked. When eaten half-boiled, hard boiled or simply poached, a healthy person can actually consume up to three eggs a day without any adverse effects on cholesterol. Eat an egg daily to boost your height! Note: Fried or raw eggs are a big NO-NO.
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2. Milk
Drink two glasses of milk every day. It is essential to build healthy bones and majority of body cells. Not only does it contain calcium in abundance, but it also has impressive amounts of protein, vitamin B-12 and vitamin D. Growing tall does not mean more protein, but more calcium too. Should you wish to grow taller and increase your height naturally, then milk is something you must not miss.
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3. Yogurt
Can yogurt make you grow taller? Yes, it can! Yogurt is a rich source of calcium, protein as well as vitamin D, all the essential nutrients for growth. Low levels of Vitamin D in your body can negatively affect height. Yogurt improves the absorption of Vitamin D in the body and hence a cup of yogurt daily can help you grow taller faster. What’s more? It also keeps you slim and makes your skin glow!
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4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is another amazing source of protein and does magic to your height when consumed daily. It keeps your heart healthy too. That’s not all, oatmeal also increases muscle mass and helps keep the fat off your body. Consume oatmeal for breakfast daily and watch your height increase.
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5. Soybean
There is not one superfood that is better than soy! And, this nutritious food also helps in boosting height naturally when consumed every day. It is a potent source of carbs, fiber, proteins, and even folates, making it a complete food. Soybean is replete in protein that increases bone and tissue density that is important for increasing height. Consume at least 50 grams of soybean a day. You can bake, boil or steam them and add them to your salads and curries. You can also consume it in soy milk and tofu forms.
Veggies that Help you Grow as Tall as you Please

1. Turnips
It is one of the most effective foods to grow taller. Thanks to its ability to boost growth hormones, this superfood works from deep within the body cells to indirectly increase one’s height. It is best consumed as juice, or simply cooked with mild seasoning.
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2. Rhubarb
Rhubarb for height? Who would have ever thought! Rhubarb is widely used in deserts for its incredible flavor and its mere color. Apparently, it is proven to stimulate the secretion of growth hormones. ( functions similar to turnips). You can have it raw or cooked.
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3. Beans
They are rich in protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals. The best yet unknown part is that they make you grow taller! The nutrients in beans help optimize your growth by stimulating the growth hormones in your body. Include boiled beans in your salads for best results.
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4. Spinach
Spinach did not only make Popeye stronger, it also made him taller. It should work the same with you too. Spinach is proven to aid the functioning of body, growth of brains, muscle cells build-up and also growth of bones. Grab a handful of spinach and throw them into the juicer, add some lime and then drink it. Otherwise, you may also include in your daily diet to boost height with time.
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5. Bok Choy
Chinese cabbage that is popularly known as Bok Choy, is yet another veggie you can include in your daily diet if you wish to boost your height. This veggie is chock full of carbs, vitamin, minerals, and dietary fibers that together stimulate the growth hormones in your body and boost height naturally.
Herbs that Help you Add a Few Centimeters to Your Height
Can herbs really help you grow taller? While most people rubbish the efficacy of herbs, herbs can indeed help combat a height problem effectively. Listed below are a few potent combinations that can enhance height naturally.
1. Ashwagandha + Jaggery + Cow’s milk
Herbs can do wonders, they have been used since time immemorial in treating myriad health woes and also to cure a dozen commonplace ailments. Ashwagandha in specific holds a very important place in the realm of Ayurveda, and can also be used to increase height naturally. Its scientific name is Withania somnifera, but this herb is more commonly referred to as the Indian ginseng. It contains chock full of minerals that help in not just broadening but also strengthening the bones of the body that in turn helps increase height. The herb also promotes the production of HCG which indirectly is responsible for growth spurts.
Jaggery on the other hand, is a popularly used natural sweetener. Not only does it assist in digestion, boosts your energy, cleanses your intestines, but also helps purify your blood and most importantly increase height.
When jaggery and Indian ginseng, are blended with cow’s milk which is one of the healthiest foods man has ever known, you get yourself a potent herbal drink that can help you grow taller at home.
How to Use: Mix two tablespoons of Indian ginseng and one tablespoon of jaggery in a glass of warm milk and drink before going to bed. Do this every day till you see remarkable results.
2. Bark of Terminalia Arjuna Plant
The Arjuna plant is raved as one of the most medicinal plants that is used in treating myriad ailments. This evergreen tree reaches a height of over 30 meters and has pretty cone shaped leaves and mesmerizing yellow blossoming flowers. Though this herb is mostly used for cardio problems, it also can be used to improve body metabolism and increase height. Owing to its antioxidants, it also boosts growth naturally.
How to Use: Buy a pack of Terminalia Arjuna powder that is easily available at most drug stores. Now, boil a whole tablespoon of the powder in two large cups of water. Let it boil till it reduces to one cup. Strain and drink up the concoction before food.
3. Tinospora Cordifolia (or Giloy)
Giloy, also known as guduchi, is yet another potent remedy that helps increase height naturally. The stem, leaves and roots of this shrub is used to make dozens of herbal medications. It blooms lovely yellow flowers that are also used to make herbal concoctions. While this herb is primarily used to treat gout, fever, high cholesterol, and hay fever, it also is used to help people with height problems.
How to Use: Bring home a pack of powdered giloy. Chew a teaspoon of this powder or down it with some water. You may also make a concoction of this powder in a cup of water and drink it while it is still warm.
5 Stretches And Exercises To Increase Height and Grow Taller

1. Jump
Jump, jump and jump some more! Many claim that jumping helps to increase height. This is no myth! It is true! Jumping does make you taller. This is because your spine and calve muscles stretch when you forcefully lift your feet from the ground to jump. For a twist, you may use a skipping rope. Keep jumping (or skipping), and you’ll attain your desired height in no time.
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2. Touch Your Toes
This is the most basic stretch to increase the flexibility of the bones and muscles, which in turn increases height. Sit on the floor, keeping your back straight. Then, extend your legs to the front, keeping your feet close to each other. From the waist, bend and stretch your hands out to touch the toes of your feet. Do not hunch.
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3. Pelvic Stretch
To do this stretch, you first need to lie back down and bend your knees. Place your hands by the side and your palms should touch the ground for some support. Then lift your buttocks as high as you can, your back should form an upward curve. Hold it for about 20 seconds. Then do it again, for about three to four times. This stretch will stretch the spine and strengthen your torso.
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4. Cobra Stretch
Cobra stretch is pretty well known for its potential in increasing one’s height. Lie on your abdomen, then with your palms pressing on the ground parallel to your shoulders, lift your hips off the floor. Again, do not hunch, keep your back straight. Hold this position about 20 seconds, then come back down. For beginners, this stretch can cause a burning sensation in your lower neck due to the pressure.
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5. Monkey Bar Hanging
Another common exercise proven to increase your height naturally- and it works. Hanging will give you an amazing result if done regularly, preferably thrice in a week, 10 minutes for each session. Hang on to a monkey bar, you may bend your knees if the bar is too low. You may hang for about 20-30 seconds, and repeat it for 5-7 times.
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3 Yoga Poses To Grow Taller

1. Triangle Pose
The triangle pose when practised regularly can bring many benefits, increase in height is one of them. For the method, you may refer here.
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2. Sun Salutation
It does an amazing job in stretching your body muscles overall, particularly the torso and spine. This yoga pose can help you attain your desired height when done correctly and regularly. It also makes your body more flexible. Do not know how to do the Surya Namaskar? Simply refer here.
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3. Mountain Pose
In order to do this pose, lie on your stomach on the floor or yoga mat. Slowly lift your body on all four’s and bring your hands and feet close to each other to get the mountain-like structure. Hold the pose for a while. This stretches your body, thus increases your height over time.
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Lifestyle Changes that can Help You Grow Taller
A few small changes in the way you go about your daily life, your eating habits and lifestyle on the whole, can help you grow taller. As surprising as this may seem, it is true and these tips are rather easy and simple to incorporate too.
1. Limit Steroids
Steroids, like you may already know, are organic soluble fat that may be either derived naturally or synthetically. These are used to treat various health conditions. However, anabolic in these steroids can actually inhibit the development of bones especially in young children. Studies suggest that intake of steroids may also cause for a dip in sperm count, and increase BP and thus can up the risk of heart attacks. If you wish to grow taller, we suggest you go off any steroids that you may be taking.
2. Say no to Caffeine
Growing quickly and naturally, is not difficult at all. Begin with restricting your intake of caffeinated beverages. According to research, while caffeine has no direct link to slowing down growth, it can increase insomnia. Proper sleep is quintessential in attaining a good height, and hence steer clear of coffee and colas if you wish to grow taller.
3. No Smoking
This is a no brainer, smoking is injurious to health. Both children and adults who are victims of passive smoking, can be much shorter than their counterparts. Active and passive smoking is a risk factor that can create dramatic height restrictions.
4. Consume smaller and more frequent meals
Consume 6 small meals instead of three larger ones, and see yourself grow taller. This helps promote body metabolism, which in turn makes you grow taller. What you eat and how much you eat boosts the production of growth hormones, and hence it is prudent that you follow a proper diet plan to add a few inches to your height naturally.
5. Maintain an Ideal body weight
If you are obese, it can negatively affect your height too apart from posing several other health risks. Maintain an ideal body weight through a balanced diet and a well tailored exercise regimen. When you have immoderate body weight, it can cause the intervertebral discs to compress and hence curb growth. Excessive body weight can also add a lot of pressure on not just your bones but also joints and thus contribute to a shorter physique.
6. Do not skip breakfast
Eat a breakfast fit for a king, and we mean it. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping this meal can negatively affect the growth and development of your body. This means your height too can be compromised. In order to grow taller, consume a healthy and hearty meal which will have a positive influence on your height.
We have shared with you exercises, yoga, herbal remedies and foods to grow taller that really work. Include these foods in your daily diet and watch the magic happen. However, allow us to remind you that it is not an overnight process and may take up to six months to work. In case your bones are completely fused (for those who are ages 20 and above), there are low chances for you to grow further. Should there be a query or feedback, drop it in the comment box below. Remember to seek a doctor’s advice for best results. Thank you for visiting