South Beach Diet: Is It Just a Fad Diet or Is It for Real?
South Beach Diet first gained popularity during the early 2000s, but it has already been used during the eighties as a solution to prevent heart problems and to treat obesity. Dr. Arthur Agatston and Dr. Marie Almon, a cardiologist and a dietitian, designed this treatment. Many patients who have been given South Beach Diet recipes have effectively lost weight and these amazing results spread like wildfire in mainstream media, turning it into a famous weight loss regime.
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South Beach Diet Reviews: How It Works
It has one, highly effective principle—get rid of the “bad fats” and “bad carbs” by eating “good fats” and “good carbs.”
An individual will be given South Beach Diet recipes that are specifically customized by taking the age, weight, height, and health into careful consideration. This diet plan must be followed to the letter in order for it to work. Its purpose is to break the dangerous habit of eating processed carbohydrates, which causes the sugar levels to spike making you crave for more carbs. As soon as the habit has been broken, your cravings will be gone; you will eat less but with healthier foods. Also read : Yoga To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Many experts say that this is a healthy diet that can make you lose weight. Its recipes include everything that the body needs—whole grains, greens, fruits, and protein. South Beach Diet will not starve you. Its recipes together with its careful instructions will ensure that you eat the right kind of meals at the proper given time. A lot of doctors also rave about this one of a kind diet. It is created in a very organized manner, with a specific time frame for three phases that will make sure that your body will have time to acknowledge the change in your eating habit, a great method that will lead to long term results.
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Key Features Of South Beach Diet
This extraordinary south beach diet highlights the following attributes:
- It has three phases that consist of different sets of recipes. Phase 1 is a 2-week plan that gets rid of your water weight. South Beach Diet recipes Phase 2 will last for as long as you have reached your target weight. The last and third phase is a diet that will maintain your current weight. If successful, this will be your permanent eating habit.
- You don’t need to count the calories anymore because each recipe is carefully prepared by a dietician, which is a sure way of making you eat a healthy and balanced diet that can lead to proper weight loss.
- Each phase has a quick set of daily exercise, which is not more than twenty minutes. This can be ideal even for those who have a busy schedule.
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In each phase, it is recommended to minimize eating foods containing the bad fats.
1. South Beach Diet Phase I
This phase lasts two weeks and dieters attempt to eliminate insulin resistance through their diet. They must avoid foods such as:
- Sugar
- Candy
- Dairy
- Bread
- Potatoes
- Cereals
- Grains
- Fruit
During this phase, Dr. Agatston says the body eliminates its insulin resistance and the person will begin to lose excess body fat. Many dieters lose between 8 and 13 pounds. Dieters are able to eat normal helpings of fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, cheese and nuts. They should eat three meals a day with snacks and eat until their hunger is satisfied. However, no alcohol is to be consumed. The person should lose their craving for sugars and starches as well. Also read : 9 Iron Rich Foods Treat Iron-deficiency Anemia
2. South Beach Diet Phase II
After two weeks, phase II sets in. The dieter can begin to slowly return whole grains, fruits and dairy back into their diet but they should eat smaller amounts of these foods and focus on those with a low Glycemic index. Sweet potatoes and red wine are allowed in the diet. Also read : Foods To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms
3. South Beach Diet Phase III
Once a person reaches their weight loss goal then the diet moves into phase III or the “maintenance phase.” During this phase, the diet expands to include three servings of whole grains and fruit each day. The diet also distinguishes which foods are good and bad carbs and which are good and bad fats. Also read : Yoga For Attaining Your Dream Buttocks
The Pros and Cons of South Beach Diet
- The Pros of South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet is designed by a doctor, so this makes it a safe and effective diet for most people. Its nutritious recipes will ensure that your body will acquire all the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Physical exercises are also provided for better health, leaner muscles, and faster weight loss.
- The Cons of South Beach Diet
Following the South Beach Diet can be difficult especially at first due to withdrawal from processed foods. Also, it may be effective to a lot of people, but this diet is still not for everybody. It is highly advisable that you seek your doctor’s approval before trying this out.
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By the end of the day, it is all about eating the right kind of foods and avoiding the chemically processed junk that many of us are addicted. In conclusion, the South Beach Diet is the real thing for all individuals who are truly committed in losing weight and in leading a healthy lifestyle. Just make sure you have a go signal from your physician. Thank you for visiting HNBT.