Edible Flowers – Flowers have been used since time immemorial for ornamental purposes. They add cheer and color when used to decorate homes. Flowers are a symbol of freshness and happiness. Their fragrance is trapped in various scents and oils to relieve stress and integrate positivity. The fragrance and aroma of flowers have found various applications, but now these edible flowers have also found their way in the use of many medicines. Here are 11 edible flowers that also have medicinal uses and benefits.

11 Edible Flowers with Medicinal Uses and Benefits
1. Tree Peony: Originally from China, Tree Peony is blessed with beautiful looks and an array of health benefits. Regular consumption of these flowers keeps heart problems at bay and even regulate blood sugar. Research has shown that Tree Peony is one of the richest sources of phenolic compound. Phenolic compounds have been proven beneficial in preventing many types of cancer as well. This flower can be simply chopped and thrown into salads or the petals can be used to make a refreshing herbal tea.
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2. Evening Primrose: You will agree when we say that these vibrant flowers are soothing to the eyes. But did you know that the Evening primrose can be used in the treatment of eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and acne. Several naturopaths use the extracts of this flower to reduce mood swings and other PMS symptoms. Its taste resembles lettuce. The flower can be part of vegetable juice or can also be used as a garnish in salads and gourmet dishes. If you do not have the patience to go flower picking, you can also pop in Evening Primrose oil tablets that are easily available in most pharmas. While the use of medicine should be limited as per doctor’s advice, consuming the flower itself is completely safe!
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3. Hibiscus: Hibiscus like you may know already is lauded as a natural health supplement. A lot has been said about the many benefits of hibiscus tea. This flower is also used for ornamental purposes because of its vibrant color. Hibiscus grows in tropical, warm temperate, and semi-tropical climates. Few of its many benefits to the human body include reduction in greying of hair, hair loss, inflammation, constipation, increased blood circulation, and also prevention of liver disorders.
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4. Dandelion: This beautiful blooming flower is also a miraculous healer and is used to treat several health conditions. The bitter tasting flower tastes much less repulsive and in fact quite sweet when consumed as a sapling. The flower is replete with anti-oxidant properties. Several studies have found that it has beneficial pharmacological and phytochemical content that help in combating with inflammation and the many signs of ageing. It also works like a charm in treating water retention and also constipation. The flowers of dandelion can be used to make jam, salad, or even wine.
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5. Saffron: Saffron is extensively used in many parts of the world in cooking due to its distinguished aroma, pleasing taste, and startling color. While this flower has always remained an inseparable part of culinary delights, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that this taste enhancer is also loaded with minerals like iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and manganese. It is a natural antiseptic, antidepressant, and antioxidant with high folic acid content. A word of caution! Though this flower has all vitamins and minerals required for healthy growth, it should not be given to pregnant females during early stages of pregnancy as it can lead to miscarriage due to stimulation of the uterus.
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6. Marigold: Known by many names such as Calendula and “poor man’s saffron”, Marigold has more benefits than meets the eye. It can be used to add a bright orange tinge to dishes like soup, egg, rice, pasta, etc. It grows in large numbers and the blooming season continues for several weeks. It is quite effective in healing burns and cuts. The ointment made from Calendula helps in treating radiation burns caused to the patient undergoing radiation therapy.
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7. Lavender: This aromatic flower is often used as an herbal remedy for all types of maladies and conditions. Apart from being used in aromatherapy and natural beauty products, lavender can be used to make yummy jams and jellies. You can also add it to teas to treat headaches, dizziness, anxiety, halitosis, earaches and flatulence. You may mix other savory herbs with lavender to enhance the flavor of stews. Another great way to make use of this flower is to make lavender sugar that you can add to ice creams, cookies, cakes, etc.
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8. Rosemary:You probably already know that rosemary is a popular herb that is used to treat hair and skin woes. The leaves are used in various dishes as well as for aromatherapy products like potpourris, essential oil, etc. But did you know that you can also make use of rosemary flowers in your recipes? You can add fresh flowers to salads – they not only add beauty, but have powerful medicinal properties. You can also crystallize them with egg and sugar to garnish baked goods like pastries and cakes. Rosemary aids in fat digestion and has potent antioxidant properties, which is great for your immune system.
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9. Sage: The flowers of the sage herb are beautiful and can be used in a number of ways to benefit your health. These pretty flowers can be used to dress up salads and give them a little something extra. You can also add them to teas. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties. It also aids digestion and can treat menopausal and menstrual symptoms with the help its estrogenic properties. You can also use sage flowers to relieve pain that comes with diarrhea.
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10. Thyme: Thyme leaves are not the only beneficial part of this plant. Its flowers too are edible and have a number of medicinal properties. Of course, you can add them to salads to give it more color and goodness. You can infuse thyme flowers to your tea to make a digestive tonic and also treat sore throats, colds and hangovers.
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11. Sunflower: Experts are still unsure if the sunflower was cultivated or cropped up on their own, but whatever their origin may be, the Europeans were quick to understand the many benefits of this beautiful bright flower. The seeds can be ground into a flour that make cakes sumptuous and the petals can be cooked with artichokes to make exotic dishes. But, that is not all! Oil derived from this cheerful flower not only can be used for cooking, but also has medicinal properties. Sunflower oil is used to treat myriad skin conditions, ulcers and even hemorrhoids. The roots of this plant are used to treat snake and spider bites too!
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The edible flowers are good to see, but are better to be eaten. Include them in your diet and be in the pink of your health!
Co-author – Carol has contributed constantly to the weight management segment with her articles and blogs. She has been writing about different weight loss supplements and diet plans in her articles. Her articles are also shared on https://www.uspuregarciniacambogia.com/, which is the online shop for buying genuine quality Pure Garcinia Cambogia.