How to get rid of baby acne?: So, you are bathing your baby, and you notice red bumps on your baby’s body and face, and start wondering if it is an allergic reaction to the new body wash you bought online. Days go by, you stop using the wash and the bumps still remain. Your dear daughter or son, for that matter, may be suffering from baby acne! Now, how can a baby suffer from acne, you may think.
Despite all your astonishment, baby acne can indeed occur and is said to affect nearly 70% of the baby population. Thankfully, there are a number of home remedies that you can employ to get rid of baby acne naturally at home. Read on to learn a few tips on how you can prevent this condition along with remedies to treat it.

How to Get Rid of Baby Acne at Home?
1. Honey
If your baby is suffering from a bad case of acne, you can try a mixture of lemon juice and honey. This mixture will soothe your baby’s skin treating the breakout naturally in the process.
How to Apply:
- Mix 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey in a bowl.
- Use your fingertips or a cotton swab to soak up some of the mixture and apply to the affected region.
- Leave the mixture on your baby’s skin for 30 minutes or so and wash off with warm water and pat dry.
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2. Breast Milk Remedy
Breast milk is hands down the best food for your baby in its early years. It is also one of the best medicines for myriad ailments during those first few months. Many new mums will tell you that breast milk can indeed help get rid of baby acne. It is free, easily available and yes it works.
How to apply:
- Extract some breast milk in a cup or glass.
- Use your finger tips to liberally massage it onto your child’s skin.
- You may also use a cotton swab to dab the milk on your child’s skin.
Within a few days, you will find the zits clear up on its own, without leaving any scars or dryness behind.
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3. Cornstarch
This kitchen ingredient is used to treat acne in adults and is safe to use on babies too. It has skin drying properties, and can help regulate the over production of oil in the skin. Use cornstarch on your lil one’s skin once a day on affected regions, and watch the acne disappear like it never existed.
How to Apply:
- Blend two teaspoons of cornstarch with some water at room temperature.
- Apply a thin layer of this mixture on the affected area.
- Leave the mixture on your baby’s skin for at least 10 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
- Use a clean cloth to pat dry.
- Repeat this remedy once a day till you see the inflammation subside.
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4. Coconut Oil
Looking for a remedy that is safe and has no side effects whatsoever? You cannot get better than coconut oil. This oil is hands down the best skin formula that money can buy. You can blindly apply the oil on your baby’s body with your eyes closed. This oil also has numerous benefits to offer to the skin and is easily absorbed by the skin. Thanks to its anti-microbial properties, you will see acne begin to reduce on daily application. Not only does it help clear up skin inflammation, but also moisturizes and makes your baby’s skin soft and supple.
How to Apply:
- Try to get your hands on some virgin coconut oil.
- Clean the affected region with a mild cleanser and let it dry.
- Next, apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the affected areas using your fingertips.
- Do this at least twice a day, once before a bath and once before you put your baby to sleep.
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5. Oatmeal
You can use a mixture of oatmeal to treat a nasty case of baby acne without any side effects. Oatmeal doesn’t cause any kind of irritation and is milk on the skin. In fact, oatmeal is used in the treatment of myriad skin conditions in children and adults alike.
How to Apply:
- Throw in some oatmeal in a blender till it is a fine powder.
- Sprinkle the oatmeal powder in a bath of tepid water and mix.
- Let your baby sit in the tub for a few minutes.
- Do not wash off with soap.
- Gently towel your child after the oatmeal rinse.
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6. Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the most popular oils used in baby care. We cannot emphasize enough on the benefits of giving your baby an olive oil massage. This oil is rich in vital vitamins, which helps to get rid of baby acne as well as helping your baby’s tender skin recuperate. The oil also works on any marks that baby acne may leave behind. Being non-comedogenic, it acts as a perfect solution to treat baby acne.s
How to Apply
- Delicately massage a few drops of olive oil into your baby’s skin.
- Once you begin to feel that your baby’s skin is getting saturated, stop.
- Wipe off any excessive oil on the skin using a warm washcloth.
- Do this at least twice daily, to help curb the acne from spreading.
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7. Baby Powder
If your baby has obstinate baby acne that refuses to go away, you can try using some baby powder. Baby powder from a reputed company can help dry out the skin, and keep it free of oil and thereby curb the break out naturally. But be careful not to overdo with the powder because you don’t want your baby skin to be too dry.
How to Apply:
- Clean and dry the affected area.
- Take some baby powder into the palm of your hand.
- Using your fingertips gently rub the powder onto your baby’s face.
- Do this after each time you shower your baby until the inflammation subsides.
Sprinkling talcum powder on your baby’s skin after the breakout subsides can help keep the acne from resurfacing. Be sure not to allow talcum powder to enter your baby’s nostrils as it can be harmful if inhaled.
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8. Neem oil
You may also use neem oil or neem powder to treat baby acne effectively. Neem has anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties and thus combats with baby acne. It is also highly affordable and safe to use on your baby’s skin.
How to Apply:
- Wash your baby’s face with a washcloth dipped in warm water.
- Use cotton buds to apply neem oil directly on the baby acne.
- Alternatively, blend some powder with a few drops of water to make a paste.
- Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to dry.
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9. Raw Papaya
Did you know that you can use papaya to get rid of baby acne? As bizarre as it sounds, papaya is a safe and mild remedy that works like a charm on baby acne. This fruit contains an enzyme called papain that has several medicinal properties. It helps soak up excess oil from the skin and curbs the zits from spreading.
How to Use:
- To use papaya, cut a fresh papaya, and remove the seeds.
- Mash its flesh till in a blender to make a soft paste.
- Wash your baby’s face with warm water.
- Apply the papaya mash on affected areas and let it stay for at least 10 minutes.
- Wash off using warm water and pat dry.
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10. Baking soda or vinegar
You may also use baking soda or vinegar to treat baby acne in slightly older babies. Remember to dilute the ingredient with water before use. You will have to apply the solution to the affected areas using a clean cotton ball, and wash off with water after a few minutes.
Armed with these remedies, you can easily get rid of baby acne at home without having to resort to strong chemicals that may dry up the soft and supple skin of your baby. Try them today!