Stop Premature Ejaculation: Men across the globe suffer from premature ejaculation, a no stranger condition wherein ejaculation takes place before climax is reached by either partner. Some of the most common causes of premature ejaculation are inflammation of the prostate gland or spinal cord. Others include factors such as stress and depression, which affect emotional health and later contribute to premature ejaculation. Also, aging, a drop in testosterone levels and over stimulation of the penal nerve have been associated with the early onset of this condition.
The symptoms of premature ejaculation happen to be the following:
- Ejaculation with little sexual stimulation with no control.
- Feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and guilt.
- Decreased sexual pleasure.
Getting rid of it is however not an impossible challenge, some lifestyle tweaks are all that you need to help you cope with this condition. Before you let premature ejaculation get the better of you, consider this post. We’ve lined up some of the best home remedies to help you deal with premature ejaculation.

Natural Remedies To Stop Premature Ejaculation
1. Diet
Diet plays a vital role in just about anything, so it is no surprise how it plays quite the role when it comes to vitality as well. To help with this problem, try including a number of vitamins and minerals in your diet alongside blueberries, eggs, and cereal. It is advisable that you eat foods that are high in Vitamins A, B, D, and E as these vitamins have been proven to improve vitality. They also supply the body with cholesterol that is responsible for the production of sex hormones. Cereals, for instance, contain folic acid which enhances the flow of blood to the arteries.
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2. Watermelon
Watermelon works in wonderful ways and is commonly known as the Viagra of the food kind. It relaxes the blood vessels without side effects of any kind. It contains a component called citrulline which is a phytonutrient that has the ability to increase one’s libido.
For this remedy:
- Cut watermelon into small pieces
- To it, add powdered ginger and salt.
- Consume this once daily.
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3. Asparagus
Asparagus is well known for its medicinal properties and almost all parts of the plant can be utilized in a remedy. The herb comes in colors of purple, white and green. Being a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, asparagus certainly tops as an all rounder. To be more precise, it contains Vitamins C, E, K, A, B3, and B6. It also is a rich source of minerals such as zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and selenium. FYI, zinc plays an important role in vitality and is required for the production of testosterone.
For this remedy:
- Take two teaspoons of Indian Asparagus
- Add it to a cup of milk.
- Boil this on a stove for about fifteen minutes.
- Strain the mixture and consume it three times a day.
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4. Cinnamon
Cinnamon has been widely used in the treatment of colds, gastric problems, gastrointestinal upset, and diarrhea. Its oil is, as you may already know, is incorporated in soaps, toothpaste, cosmetics, lotions and so on. But a little-known fact is that its bark can be used to stimulate one’s appetite and also help in premature ejaculation. It hosts a number of volatile oils which increase blood flow, thereby contributing to boosting metabolism.
For this remedy:
- To five tablespoons of water, add two tablespoons of cinnamon powder.
- Mix together and consume this two times daily soon after food.
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5. Ginger and Honey
Sweet and sour make quite the couple, that explains why ginger and honey are next on my list. Ginger has been known to treat ailments such as arthritis and diarrhea. But that’s not all. It is also aphrodisiac and hence has the ability to cure sexual problems including the likes of premature ejaculation. The best way to extract all the goodness of ginger is by making a fresh tea out of it. Besides solving erectile dysfunction, drinking ginger tea will also increase heart rates, thereby contributing to detoxification and cleansing too.
For this remedy:
- Grate ginger and add to it, honey.
- Consume this once every day for an entire month.
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6. Avocado
Avocados have a number of medicinal properties and are therefore helpful in the treatment of premature ejaculation. This is because avocados are a rich source of nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus and vitamin E, an essential nutrient to boost sexual activity. The fat soluble nutrients present in avocados are best absorbed when they are consumed raw.
For this remedy:
- To a bowl, add chopped tomatoes, avocados, onions and lime juice.
- Mix in orange juice, fennel seeds, and fresh mint.
- Mix well and consume daily.
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7. Dates
If you want your date to stretch out all through the night, then dates might just come in handy! Dates help with a lot more than just premature ejaculation- they are effective in the treatment of heart problems, constipation, anemia and abdominal cancer. Two dates a day usually does the trick for just about any problem. The consumption of dates is effectively tied to increased energy levels. Whereas the potassium present in dates enhances the nervous system functions as well as the alertness of the human brain.
To make the most of the dates:
- Include dry dates as part of your breakfast regime.
- You could also have them with milk right before bed.
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8. Milk and Saffron
Home remedies are the best way to treat just about any health problem you may suffer from. The same goes with premature ejaculation. This next remedy entails the use of almonds, milk, cardamom and saffron. Saffron has properties which make it a mild aphrodisiac.
For this remedy:
- Soak about ten almonds in water overnight.
- The following morning, peel the skin off and crush them.
- To a hot cup of milk, add the crushed almonds.
- Add a pinch of ginger powder to this mixture.
- Soon after, add a pinch of cardamom powder.
- For the finishing touch, add a pinch of saffron.
- Mix well and consume this solution every morning.
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Premature ejaculation is completely treatable right in your home. Be patient and diligent with the remedies, and you can get rid of premature ejaculation before you know it!