8 Powerful Yoga Asanas To Boost Your Stamina
Yoga Asanas To Boost Your Stamina : We all have a hectic life, even if it’s sedentary. So it’s very important to have lots and lots of stamina not only to do well in our professional life but also to enjoy our life after work. Here is a list of some yoga’s, simple and efficient…
22 Unbelievable Facts About the Human Body That Will Blow Your Mind
“The human body is the best work of art.” ~ Jess C. Scott. Go through these mind-boggling yet important facts to know more about your own body. [playbuzz-item url=”” comments=”false” recommend=”false”]
12 Simple Chilblain Treatments; Natural & Homemade
Chilblain Treatments : As fun as it can be when winter arrives, it may also be troublesome. What we mean by trouble is the possible conditions that its cold weather can trigger, and chilblains are no exception. FYI, chilblains is a condition in which the tiny blood vessels in your skin become inflamed due to…
Quiz: How Healthy Are You? Find Out Now!
To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ~Buddha Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in. Read these articles to stay fit and healthy tips : 20 Types Of Whole Grains, Nutrients In Them…
Quiz: What Kind Of Workout / Fitness Routine Should You Try In 2015?
This time, it is either you work your body out, or lose it now. Exercising is really very crucial, be it any from, from jogging to gym-ing. It is necessary that you work out at least twice in a week. When your body lacks exercise, it becomes really weak. Your muscles become flabby and…
How To Get Rid Of Body Odor?; 15 Home Remedies to Smell Good
Get Rid Of Body Odor : We have written on bad breath problem. We mentioned several tricks and methods to get rid of bad breadth. Hence today, we’ll take this a step further and talk about body odors. \Body odors are sickly embarrassing. They are usually the reason you stay away from intimate relationships and…
How To Increase Memory Power?; Foods, Yoga Asanas and Techniques
Increase Memory Power : Human brains are probably the most complex living structure possible. Weighing at about 1.5kg each, this organ consists of over 100 billion neurons passing signals to each other. It’s the brain that control the cognitive functioning of our speaking, thinking, planning, imagining, reasoning and physical movements. To perform well in your…
20 Healthy Snacks To Satisfy Your Growling Stomachs
Healthy Snacks : Some of us adults can’t go even a day without snacks. Snack time is probably the most awaited moment of each day, and sometimes is made as mandatory as breakfast. Snacking plays its very own role in maintaining your health overall. It helps by preventing you from consuming more calories when you…
13 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms
Get Rid Of Dark Underarms : Are you in the need of restoring your underarm confidence? Worry not, because HNBT comes up with 13 amazing natural remedies to get rid of dark underarms in no time. Before revealing to you the remedies, allow us to first explain to you the causes behind this dilemma. Some…
Top 13 Superfoods To Maintain A Healthy Kidney
Maintain A Healthy Kidney : What you eat reflects your health overall. Just like any other disorders, kidney problems require their very own diet too. To maintain a healthy kidney, apart from drinking plenty of water, you also need to consume some super foods that will protect against any undesirable fatty acid oxidation. Your diet…
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