How to Remove Your Dog’s Tear Stains?: Also known as Poodle eye, tear stains are a common problem in dogs. These reddish-brown stains are messy, unappealing and they develop no matter how well you take care of your canine companion. It is important to take care of tear stains as they can get worse. The tears make your pet’s hair stay wet and this may eventually cause a yeast infection. But no worries, there are few effective home remedies to deal with poodle eye and prevent them from recurring in the future.

How to Remove Your Dog’s Tear Stains with Natural Home Remedies?
Here is a look at some simple natural remedies to remove your dog’s tear stains or Poodle eye:
1. Maintain Face and Eye Hygiene
It is important to maintain your pet’s face and eye hygiene to prevent unsightly tear stains. This can go a long way in making sure that this problem does not develop at all.
- Consult your vet and get a canine eyewash to regularly flush your dog’s eyes.
- Moisten a cotton ball with the eyewash and gently rub it around and underneath your pet’s eye area.
- Use a dry shampoo and a wet washcloth to wash the muzzle hair. Once done, brush and blow dry.
- Avoid getting water in your pet’s eyes when bathing to prevent irritation.
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2. Change Your Dog’s Diet
Before you try to remove your dog’s tear stains, take a close look at the ingredients of the dog food you give your pet and consider changing it to see if it makes a difference. A grain-based diet can cause allergic reactions and does not usually provide long-term health benefits. It may also cause excess tearing and other problems.
- Change your dog’s diet to a grain-free diet and always choose high-quality dog food and treats.
- Ask your vet to recommend probiotics for canines as well.
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3. Always Give Clean Water
It is also important to pay close attention to the water you give your pet to drink. You should avoid tap water as it is often filled with harmful parasites, bacteria and minerals like fluoride and chlorine that can be toxic to animals. Prevent your pet from drinking stagnant water when you go for walks in parks or gardens. Such water may cause more staining due to excess minerals in it.
- Give your dog purified, distilled water.
- Do not serve water to your pet in ceramic or plastic bowls as they often become unsanitary after repeated use. Stainless steel or glass bowls are best for pets.
- Make sure that you regularly wash your doggy’s water bowl with soap and water.
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4. White Vinegar
White vinegar works very well to remove your dog’s tear stains. It is acidic in nature, which makes it effective in preventing bacteria or yeast from taking hold in your furry friend’s system. These bacteria or yeast can result in eye infection and excess tearing. Using white vinegar may also prevent the recurrence of tear stains.
- Dip a cotton ball in white vinegar and clean the stained area around your pet’s eyes. Make sure not to get the vinegar inside the eyes.
- You can also add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to your dog’s drinking water to treat the problem from the inside. Apple cider vinegar works well too.
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5. Cornstarch
Cornstarch is an excellent natural remedy for treating tear stains. It can help in absorbing the excess tears and effectively get rid of poodle eye. This is a simple remedy that works wonders and can be used in multiple ways to combat the problem.
- Mix 2 teaspoons of cornstarch and 1 drop of bleach in a bit of hot water.
- Let the mixture cool down to room temperature.
- Apply it directly on the tear stains and leave it on for about 1 hour to let it dry.
- Wipe it off with a damp soft cloth.
- Repeat every alternate day for 2 weeks for best results.
- Or, mix equal parts of cornstarch, milk of magnesium and 3% hydrogen peroxide to form a paste.
- Apply it on your pet’s tear stains and leave it on for 1 hour.
- Wash off thoroughly with water.
- You can also dust cornstarch around your pet’s muzzle, underneath the eyes and between the toes.
- Note: Make sure that you do not any of the solutions in your pet’s eyes as it could result in irritation.
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6. Face Cream and Powder
You can use a mild face cream or powder to remove your dog’s tear stains. While this is not a permanent solution, it can help make him look better when you are taking him out and waiting for other home remedies to take effect.
- Dampen the area with the tear stains and apply a small amount of cream.
- Apply the powder over the cream – make sure that both the cream and powder do not get into your pet’s eyes.
- Next, gently brush out the area. A small amount of the powder will stick and hide the stains, making your pet look more appealing.
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7. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is another superb remedy to get rid of tear stains from your canine companion’s face. It may also eliminate parasites and other harmful microorganisms in your pet’s face.
- Mix equal amounts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water.
- Soak a cotton ball in the solution and gently apply it over the tear stains.
- Leave it on for 5 minutes.
- Rinse it off with clean water to remove any residue.
- Note: Hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation, so make sure it does not get into your pet’s eyes.
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8. Chamomile Tea
With its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile is a great natural remedy for poodle eye. It helps in fighting the bacteria and fungi that may grow and accumulate in the tear stains. For simple but trusty natural treatment, give chamomile a try.
- Prepare a weak cup of chamomile tea and let it cool down completely.
- Soak a cotton ball in the solution and clean the tear stains from your doggy’s face.
- Once done, rinse the fur with clean water to get rid of any residue.
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9. Contact Lens Cleaner
Sound strange? Do not worry as it can work wonders to remove your dog’s tear stains. Contact lens cleaners that have boric acid in them helps in oxidizing the iron compounds and lightening them.
- Soak a cotton ball with a contact lens cleaning solution.
- Wipe your pet’s face and tear stains – make sure to avoid getting the solution in your dog’s eyes.
- Do this 1 to 2 times a day to lighten tear stains that have already formed.
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10. Colloidal Silver
The antimicrobial properties in colloidal silver make it another effective natural treatment for tear stains. It fights moist dermatitis and yeast infections that can occur in the corners of your furry friend’s eyes. It is also safe to use around the eye area, so colloidal silver is a great option for getting rid of poodle eye.
- Put a small amount of colloidal silver on a cotton ball.
- Wipe your pet’s face and the tear stained areas.
- Do this 1 or 2 times a day for best results.
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As ugly and unsanitary poodle eye looks, you can help lighten the stains and get rid of the problem with home remedies and minor changes in your pet’s diet. However, if you do not see an improvement after 2 weeks or so, it is advisable to take your pet to the vet to get a more effective treatment before the problem gets worse and causes infections. Do you have any other tricks to remove your dog’s tear stains? Share them with us too!