How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast?: Pimples are essentially an inflammation of the skin wherein the sebaceous glands are infected with bacteria, swelling up with pus. The main reason behind this problem remains to be excess sebum secretion in the oil glands. While there’s no restriction on where pimples will surface, there are a few areas where they tend to commonly predominate, mainly the face, neck, back, and shoulders. People under the age group of 11-30 years are more likely to suffer from pimples, but adolescents are the main target age group.
Adolescence comes with its own set of perks and perils, pimples, by all means, falling into the latter category. While the urge to squeeze out the life out of a pimple lingers on, it’s best that you refrain from doing so, lest you leave behind a permanent mark.
Luckily, home remedies are are always to the rescue when pimples are the subject of the matter. So, fret not for these remedies are bound to give you some relief from the stubborn pimples on your skin. Keep reading to get rid of pimples for good!

8 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pimples Fast
1. Lemon
Nothing works better at removing pimples than Vitamin C, which is why lemons make a great home remedy. It works specifically because of its ability to dry up pimples. Ensure, however, that you use fresh lemon juice and not bottled juice which comes with its own set of preservatives.
Follow one of these remedies to rid yourself of those nasty pimples:
- Dip a cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it on the affected areas before going to bed.
- You could also mix in one tablespoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this on the pimples overnight. On waking, wash your skin properly with lukewarm water. But take caution that if you suffer from sensitive skin, then this remedy probably isn’t the best for you.
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2. Garlic
The use of garlic aids in the treatment of pimples because of the antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant properties that it possesses. More so, the sulfur present in garlic promotes quick healing of pimples.
For this remedy:
- Cut up a fresh garlic clove into two pieces.
- Rub this on the pimples and leave it on for about five minutes or so.
- Soon after, rinse the surface of your skin with lukewarm water.
- Repeat this process several times a day till you see visible results.
Consuming one raw garlic clove every day will help to purify your blood. But beware not to overdo the remedy as eating too much raw garlic can upset your stomach.
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3. Neem
Neem oil and neem powder are natural elements that have been used in the treatment of pimples for ages now. They work well particularly due to the antibacterial properties they possess. While you can procure them from retail stores, it is best you obtain them in their natural forms.
In order to get rid of pimples once and for all, follow this remedy:
- Rinse your face with warm water so as to open up the pores of your skin.
- Dip a cotton bud into the oil and apply it directly to the affected areas.
Another remedy you could try out includes:
- Mix neem powder with a small amount of water so as to form a paste.
- Apply this onto the surface of your skin.
- Leave it on for the entire night so that the bacteria is destroyed.
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4. Baking Soda
Baking soda is yet another effective home remedy to get rid of pimples as it helps to exfoliate the skin, removing excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells.
This remedy entails the following steps
- Make a thick paste of a teaspoon of baking soda and water or lemon juice.
- Wash the surface of your skin and pat dry.
- Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to dry for a few minutes.
- Ensure that you don’t keep the baking soda on for too long as it can cause dryness and irritation.
- Repeat this process twice a day for quick results.
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5. Honey
Honey is a natural source of antibiotics which can speed up the healing process as well as help in the prevention of further infections. It’s time for a sweeter alternative to get rid of those pimples!
- Dip a clean cotton swab in honey and apply it directly on the affected area.
- Leave this on for half an hour.
- Wash your skin with lukewarm water soon after.
- Repeat this process a couple of times in a day.
Another remedy for you to try out:
- Mix honey and cinnamon together, making a paste of it.
- Apply this onto the pimples before going to bed.
- The following morning, wash your skin with cold water.
- This process reduces inflammation and swelling.
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6. Cucumber
Cucumber is rich in potassium and vitamins such as A, C, and E. It also brings about a cooling, soothing effect on the skin, thus works well on pimples caused by body heat.
For this remedy:
- Cut a few slices of cucumbers and soak them in water for about half an hour.
- The nutrients such as Vitamin A, potassium and chlorophyll are then transferred to the water.
- Strain the water and drink it or use it as a cleanser for your face.
Another remedy that you can experiment with includes the following
- Make a face mask by grinding one cucumber.
- Apply this mask on your face and allow it to dry for fifteen minutes.
- Wash your skin with warm water soon after,
- This helps to clean dirt and bacteria from your pores.
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7. Papaya
Another way that you can rid yourself of pimples is with papayas. Papaya is loaded with properties that help in the treatment of pimples and their scars. It is also a good source of antioxidant vitamin A and enzymes that reduce inflammation so as to make your skin soft and smooth.
There are two ways in which you can use Papaya:
- Firstly, crush raw papaya pieces and extract its juice.Apply this over the pimples and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Rinse it off soon after.
- Make an exfoliating face mask with papaya pieces and honey. Apply this paste on your face and massage gently. Leave this on until it dries completely and then rinse it off.
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8. Toothpaste
Most of us have had our own experiences with toothpaste and I think it’s safe to say that this one remedy works like a charm. Make sure that you make use of white paste as opposed to toothpaste gel.
For this remedy
- Apply toothpaste onto the affected areas of your skin.
- Leave it on overnight.
- Wash it with cool water soon after in the morning.
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Toothpaste can leave your skin irritated, so it’s best that you run a patch test before trying it on the entirety of the affected area.
It’s time to zap those pimples away, right away! Your face is not a breeding ground for pimples, so ensure that you begin with these home remedies the minute you see those pesky pimples starting to surface. Pay close attention to your diet as well and you are good to go. Let’s get rid of pimples once and for all eh? Who’s with me on this one?