Surya means sun and namaskar is salutation. So Surya Namaskar it is nothing but Sun Salutation. Its roots lie in India where the majority Hindu population worship the Sun God i.e Surya. Surya Namaskar can do that which months of dieting cant’t. Not just dieting, it’s lot more than just weight loss. It guarantees physical, social, mental and psychological well being. Here at HNBT we have decided to explain to you the benefits of surya namaskar and how to do Surya Namaskar.

The Science Behind Surya Namaskar
You do not really need this bit. But the scientific reason behind Surya Namaskar is so amazing, that I thought it would be total injustice if I didn’t share it with you people.
Surya Namaskar was developed by the saints many years ago. They believed that the body is made up of various Devas. Devas are divine light or divine impulses. The central part of the human body is the solar plexus. Solar plexus are located behind your navel. They are responsible for the creativity, will power, self-discipline, confidence, warmth in your personality and emotions. So when you practice Sun Salutation regularly, then the solar plexus is enhanced and you become balanced and a better human being.
How Much Weight do you Lose in 30 Minutes of Surya Namaskar?
- Weight lifting = 199 calories
- Tennis = 232 calories
- Basketball / beach volleyball= 265 calories
- Football = 298 calories
- Cycling = 331 calories
- Rock climbing = 364 calories
- Running = 414 calories
How to do Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

Step by step guide to do the Surya Namaskar Asanas
Step #1
Pranamasana : Stand in an erect position. Join your hands and keep them against your chest. Relax.
It promotes balance and stimulates the respiratory system.
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Step #2
Hasta Uttanasana : Take a deep breathe in and raise your arms upwards. Arch your body backwards while face the sky.
Promotes balance and digestion,stretches the torso and brings in flexibility in the spine.
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Step #3
Hasta Padasana : Breathe out and also bend forward to touch your feet with your hands without bending your knees.
Promotes blood circulation, stretches the back and leg muscles, stimulates nerves and lymphatic system.
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Step #4
Ashwa-sanchalan-asana : Take a deep breathe and stretch your left leg backwards. Balance your body on your left toe with the heel pointing upwards. Meanwhile the right leg is bent at knees and palms touch the floor.
Strengthens hands and wrist muscles,
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Step #5
Parvatasana : Breathe out and release your left leg and keep it parallel to the right leg. The position of palm remains unchanged.
Improves blood circulation,strengthens hands and wrist,improves balance
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Step #6
Ashtanga namaskar : Breathe in and raise your hips while the toes, knees and face touch the floor.
Strengthens legs and arm muscles, stretches back muscles, releases tension on shoulders.
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Step #7
Bhujangasana : Breathe in and push your body backwards such that the face bends backwards and points towards the sky.
Increases blood circulation, stretches the torso, tones digestive tracts and promotes flexibility.
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Step #8
Parvatasana : Breathe out and release your left leg and keep it parallel to the right leg. The position of palm remains unchanged. (Same as Step5)
Step 9#
Ashwa-sanchalan-asana : Take a deep breathe and stretch your left leg backwards. Balance your body on your left toe with the heel pointing upwards. Meanwhile the right leg is bent at knees and palms touch the floor. (Same as Step4)
Step #10
Hasta Padasana : Breathe out and also bend forward to touch your feet with your hands without bending your knees. (Same as Step3)
Step #11
Hasta Uttanasana : Take a deep breathe in and raise your arms upwards. Arch your body backwards while face the sky. (Same as Step2)
Step #12
Pranamasana : Stand in an erect position. Join your hands and keep them against your chest.Relax. (Same as Step1)
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Repeat the same with the right leg. When both the sets are done then you complete one round of Surya Namaskar. One thing should be kept in mind that this yoga in done in rounds which comprises of both the legs. You can start this off with 3 rounds for a beginning and gradually increase the number. You are advised to do this everyday early in the morning before you start of your day. It gives a really immense energy which can be used up during the day. It can also be done in the evenings but the energy produced will be of no use once the day ends. When performed perfectly, no body part is injured. It should also be done barefooted. After completing all rounds, you must lie down for some time. Make sure to take bath only after 20 minutes.
PS : Sun Salutation should be done under expert guidance for the first time.
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Ultimate Benefits of Surya Namaskar
The benefits of Surya Namaskar are vast, be it mentally or physically. Here are a few of its benefits that might motivate you to practice this powerful yoga.
1. It’s something more than weight loss
Since Surya Namaskar enhances the solar plexus, they are responsible for enhancing the creativity, will power, self-discipline, confidence, warmth in your personality and emotions in you.
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2. Toning up of muscles and weight loss
Surya Namaskar has a lot of stretching yoga poses that will help you to stretch all the body muscles. Hence it keeps the muscles toned and reduces flabbiness. It is a great exercise for weight loss. But of course, you have to do it for atleast a month before you see reduction in your weight.
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3. Surya Namaskar For beautiful hair
Women crave beautiful hair. So do men. It ensures prevention of greying of hair. It also hampers the falling of hair. The forward and backward bends ensure very good and fresh supply of blood to the help, thus providing nutrition to the hair and scalp.
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4. Helps to develop our Sixth Sense
The size of our solar plexus increases from the size of an almond to the size of our palms. The plexus, also known as the Second Brain of the human body. The expansion of plexus helps us develop our intuitive ability. It also helps us be more focused in life.
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5. How it benefits children?
There are various ways in which children benefit from regular practise of Surya Namaskar – improves concentration and immunity, tones up the body, calms the mind, increases concentration and memory power, higher efficiency and metabolism. It also brings in the flexibility of spine and the arms and legs.
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6. How it benefits women?
The very common problem we women face is thyroid. It keeps a check on thyroid. Also, menstrual process becomes regular with regular practise of Surya Namaskar. All discomfort of menopause vanishes. It is an excellent exercise for making your face glow and visible signs of ageing like wrinkle. Nonetheless, it’s the best exercise for weight loss.
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7. How it benefits men?
It is a very efficient way to reduce stress. It also helps lose weight and tone up the body muscles. It increases stamina and helps men to concentrate better.
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8. Other body benefits
Sun Salutation helps us feel refreshed and keeps us going through the day. It also looks after the well-being of all the internal organs of the body. It also helps increase the circulation of blood in the body. Basically it looks up after all the body systems – the circulatory system, the nervous system, the digestive system, etc.
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9. Psychological Benefits
Sun Salutation makes you feel alive. It gives your confidence a boost. Some rounds of Sun Salutation and you know that your day will be good. Since your sixth sense is awakened, you reap the benefits of the Second Brain as well. It will calm your mind and keep you alert. It will keep you energized and happy all day long. It inculcates positivity in you. You will get rid of lethargy.
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Thus we can see how important it is to include Surya Namaskar in our daily routine. Saints have been doing this for ages. The best part about surya namaskar is that it only gives positive impacts and none of side effects. Not only does it check your physical well being but also your internal and psychological well-being. Surya namaskar keeps you refreshed all day long. This acts like an icing on the cake, especially when your life is stressful. When you are happy, you can spread happiness around and create a harmonic atmosphere. It also rekindles your spirituality, mental clarity and concentration, reduces biological age, improves metabolism, improves posture,removes fears and betters eyesight. Now who would not want that? Go ahead and try it out right away.