Tag: symptoms

  • High Blood Pressure – Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

    High Blood Pressure – Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

    What Is High Blood Pressure? What is considered high blood pressure(HBP)? Blood pressure is the force and pressure given by your blood towards the walls of your arteries when it is pumped from your heart to your body. If the pressure is too high, then your likeliness to suffer a stroke, heart attack and kidney…

  • Sinusitis / Sinus Infection Symptoms | 8 Powerful Home Remedies of Sinus Infection

    Sinusitis / Sinus Infection Symptoms | 8 Powerful Home Remedies of Sinus Infection

    What Is Sinusitis? Sinusitis is the inflammation of the tissues lining the sinuses. Sinuses are usually filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs like fungi, bacteria and viruses are likely to form and cause infections. They cause eyes to become watery, itchy and trigger pain around the nose area…

  • 5 Useful Natural Home Remedies For Pneumonia | Pneumonia Symptoms & Causes

    5 Useful Natural Home Remedies For Pneumonia | Pneumonia Symptoms & Causes

    What is Pneumonia? It is an inflammation in the lung that affects the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. It is normally triggered by certain type of bacteria and viruses and also some type of drugs. This condition may cause terrible cough, chest pain, fever and difficulty in breathing. It can be dangerous for infants and…

  • 10 Home Remedies to Cure Insomnia (Symptoms and Causes)

    10 Home Remedies to Cure Insomnia (Symptoms and Causes)

    What Is Insomnia? It is a sleep disorder, or also defined as sleeplessness in which you may experience the difficulty to fall asleep or even to remain asleep for as long as you want. Insomnia is also when you wake up not feeling refreshed even after a long sleep. It is a fairly common disorder among adults…

  • Leukemia Symptoms and Its Treatments Available

    Leukemia Symptoms and Its Treatments Available

    Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells or the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft tissues found inside your bones where blood cells are made. When one has leukemia, the bone marrow tends to make more white blood cells than it should. By time, Its cells start crowding out the normal blood cells which…

  • 9 Best Home Remedies For Migraines | Remedies For Migraine Treatment

    9 Best Home Remedies For Migraines | Remedies For Migraine Treatment

    Home Remedies For Migraines : Migraine is a recurrent headache and is often felt at one side of the head. It is a neurobiological disorder that involves both neurological and vascular changes in the brain during an attack. During the headache, an artery located on the outside of the skull begins to enlarge. This releases a…

  • Symptoms, Effects and Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa

    Symptoms, Effects and Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa

    It is indeed normal, for especially a girl to be very concerned about her weight. But when the obsession of being thin takes charge on your eating habits, your thoughts and daily activities then you’re likely to be dealing with an eating disorder, the anorexia nervosa. When you experience anorexia, the desire to lose weight…

  • Causes Of Obesity And The Solutions Available

    Causes Of Obesity And The Solutions Available

    Obesity is a medical condition in which a person had accumulated too much of fat in the body to an extent where it may lead to a reduced life expectancy and several health problems. A person is considered obese when his body mass index (BMI) exceeds 30kg/m2. This dreadful disorder generates the possibilities for various diseases…

  • Treat And Prevent Diabetes With 10 Simple Home Remedies

    Treat And Prevent Diabetes With 10 Simple Home Remedies

    Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes is a metabolic disease in which one has really high sugar content in the blood, either because the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin or because the cells fail to respond well to the insulin produced. When one’s sugar content in blood is high, the person will deal with frequent urination…

  • 15 Awesome Home Remedies For Dry Skin Problem

    15 Awesome Home Remedies For Dry Skin Problem

    Home Remedies For Dry Skin : Dry skin is a condition when your skin gets dried up or dehydrated, forming bright and dry patches besides giving it a sense of irritation or itchiness. If left untreated, it may advance to dermatitis. Since it is a very common problem, it is important that you keep yourself…