Category: Beauty Tips
10 DIY Homemade Facial Scrubs | Natural Homemade Face Scrubs
Homemade Facial Scrubs : It is really important that you scrub your face often to keep your face clean, nourished and renewed. What is more important is that you use a good facial scrub to prevent breakouts and prevent the skin from drying out. Unfortunately, the good ones cost you a lot of money. While the rest…
How To Whiten Teeth? – Top 6 Homemade Teeth Whiteners
How to whiten teeth?- There are certainly many ways to do that. You can either use a home made natural teeth whitener, or teeth whitening strips, gels and many other products that are available in the stores. Having a whiter teeth means you have a beautiful smile too. Some people tend to still have discolored…
Top 12 Health and Beauty Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea may not be so great in taste, but it surely does a lot of good things for your body. It has been used as a medicine for thousands of years in Asian countries, especially in China. It has a high amount of antioxidants and poly-phenols which are what that makes is so amazingly…
How To Heal Cracked Heels? Home Remedies For Cracked Heels
How To Heal Cracked Heels? : Cracked heels, or also known as heel fissures is a common problem for many people, especially women. It is a condition in which fine-cut wounds are formed on the heels of your feet. If the cracks are deep and large, they can cause bleeding and annoying pain. This condition…
Lip Care Tips to Get Soft and Pink Lips – Natural Home Remedies
Lip Care Tips – Soft and pink lips is a sign of good health. Also it is every girl’s dream. But sometimes bad weather tend to take a toll on your lips, making it look dry and unhealthy. Not only that, the habit of smoking, consuming alcohol and trying on different cosmetics also leaves them chapped,…
Home Remedies For Oily Skin Treatment (Natural Remedies)
How to Get rid of Oily Skin : Oily skin condition is one of the most common dilemmas faced especially by the teenagers. It is a condition in which your skin produces too much of natural oils, that are essential to protect your skin, maintain its elasticity and prevent it from drying out. The skin around your…
How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes? Natural Home Remedies
How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Eyes? – definitely one of the worst kind of dilemmas. Not only do they make you look like a panda, but dark circles also make you appear ill and dull sometimes. Women are more prone to develop dark circles than men and no experts can identify why this…
Eczema Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies for Eczema Treatments
Eczema, or also known as atopic dermatitis is an itchy red rash that can appear all over your body. Most people will have it on their elbow and behind the knees while babies have it on their faces (cheeks and chin), trunk, scalp or legs. Eczema symptoms are usually diagnosed in childhood and gradually improve…
How To Get Rid Of Dandruff?; Home Remedies For Dandruff
What causes dandruff? That’s probably the first question that comes to your mind when you think of dandruff. It is actually a condition in which the flaking of your scalp occurs. It isn’t really contiguous and is rarely serious. But it often is seen as a big time hair dilemma as it is embarrassingly noticeable and is…
Best Acne Treatment and Acne Products that Works for Your Skin
Best Acne Treatment: We have already explained the Home remedies for Acne. But just in case if they aren’t working, here is what you can do. Go for pharmaceutical therapies and medications. They should really help, efficiently in fact. But remember, medications don’t work overnight. They may take up to months, depending on the severity of…