Eczema Picture

Eczema Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies for Eczema Treatments

Eczema, or also known as atopic dermatitis is an itchy red rash that can appear all over your body. Most people will have it on their elbow and behind the knees while babies have it on their faces (cheeks and chin), trunk, scalp or legs. Eczema symptoms are usually diagnosed in childhood and gradually improve as children grow into adults. Although it may be rare, adults are also prone to eczema which is most likely to be caused by other medical conditions. The rashes vary depending on the property of your skin. They can be mild, moderate or severe added with an intense itch. And by scratching, it gets worse, resulting only in increased itching and inflammation.

But worry not, as HNBT is always prepared with solutions, and Eczema treatments are no exception!

eczema symptoms

What are Eczema Symptoms and Best Treatments Available?

The symptoms are different for each person. But here are few common symptoms:

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Intense itching
  • Red rashes
  • Scaly skin
  • Rough and lathery patches
  • Swelling may occur (sometimes)

What Are The Causes Of Eczema?

What exactly causes eczema is unknown. But the doctors believe that it is often triggered by irritants and allergic diseases such as rhinitis and asthma. Below are few of the common factors which trigger the problem:

  • Irritants
    This may include the soaps, detergents, shampoos, dish washing liquids, chlorine or even bubble bath. Some skins may be sensitive to the rough properties of these products, therefore resulting in the disease.
  • Allergens
    It is also a result of allergic reactions. Some common allergens may include pets such as cats, dogs and hamsters, pollens, house dust mites, dandruffs, molds.
  • Microbes
    Certain types of fungi, bacteria like the staphylococcusaureus and also viruses.
  • Hot and cold temperature
    This includes high or low humidity, hot weather and winter.
  • Foods
    This means food allergy. It may include dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, soy products and also wheat.
  • Stress
    Stress is often associated with worsening of the existing symptoms.
  • Hormones
    Hormonal fluctuations cause many medical problems, and eczema is certainly one of them.

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Eczema Symptoms Pictures (Rashes)

Eczema Picture

Eczema Picture

Mild eczema photos

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Eczema Treatments And Its Medications

It is often treated at home, by using moisturizers and mild soaps. Warm showers may also provide equal relief. Moisturizing your skin and taking warm showers regularly is essential to keep the skin moisturized and reduce itching. Following are the common medications for its treatment :

  • Hydrocortisone
    This is used to treat a mild version, normally available in the form of ointments or cream.
  • Antihistamines
    There are drowsy and non-drowsy antihistamines. If the itchiness is worse during the night, then the drowsy type will be the most beneficial. The most common antihistamines used is Benadryl.
  • Corticosteroids
    This is used to treat only severe eczema, and usually is the last option among all the other treatments.
  • Ultraviolet light therapy
    Just like corticosteroids, UV light therapy is also used to treat only severe eczema. It can be beneficial in reducing the itching.

Some medications may appear to be too strong for children. Of course, control in dosage should solve the problem. However, some parents are more comfortable with natural treatments when concerning their children. Thus, we are listing several home remedies that may help relieve the itching and rashes on children.

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Natural Treatment and Home Remedies of Eczema

1. Coconut oil

Organic cold pressed virgin coconut oil is better than those pricey creams that a dermatologist offers.

2. Vitamin E

Apply vitamin E oil, especially natural D-alpha tocopherol with mixed natural tocopherols. You can break open gel capsules for the oil. Avoiding synthetic vitamin E oil is tricky. So read he labels closely, research, or ask a reliable sales person. Avoid vitamin E acetate.

3. Chamomile Tea

Make a strong brew of chamomile tea from fresh dried herbs by steeping it for 15 minutes minimally. Apply to the affected area using a gauze and leave it on for 20 minutes. This can be done more than once daily to relieve acute symptoms.

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4. Aloe vera

Aloe Vera gel especially when mixed with vitamin E oil, is a useful remedy for eczema. Gels from freshly cut aloe vera leaves are optimum. Apply some fresh aloe vera gel onto the affected are and leave it overnight.

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5. Gentian Tincture

Ten drops of gentian tincture before each meal helps the digestive system eliminate toxins that can irritate the skin. Take as often as needed.

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6. Cucumber

Cut thin slices of a whole organic cucumber and allow the slices to rest for at least two hours. Filter the liquid and apply it with a clean cloth or cotton ball where needed.

7. Horsetail Plant

Place 50 grams of ground horsetail plant or herbs in a quart liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Allow to cool, then filter the liquid into your bath water for a 10 minute bath.

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8. Calendula

Make a tea out of calendula and five drops of lavender essential oil. Then apply the tea to the affected area twice a day until the irritation is relieved.

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9. Carrots

Skin three organic carrots and boil them till they’re soft. Mash until you get a smooth paste, and then apply to affected areas for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water afterwards.

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10. Juniper Berry

Mix a tablespoon of medical or food grade ground juniper berry (3), with a tablespoon of sage and a tablespoon of thyme into a cup of boiling water. Cover and let it steep for five or more minutes. Drink the whole cup after your main meal.

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In case if you are curious, is eczema contagious in nature? Thankfully, it is not. Eczema is a skin condition tht develops as a result of defect from within the body, and is not likely to be contagious.

If we have have missed out any other important Eczema Symptomsdo not hesitate to notify us. Also, should there be any home remedies or medications that you know can help in eczema treatment, especially among children, do share them with us.


