Category: General Health Tips
How to Get Rid of Mucous Cyst?: 10 Home Remedies for Mucous Cysts
How to Get Rid of Mucous Cyst?: Have you ever woken up one morning to feel a bump right under your tongue that makes even swallowing difficult? You may be suffering from mucocele! And, you aren’t alone! Also known as mucocele, a mucous cyst is a small bump that usually develops under the tongue, but…
Home Remedies You Didn’t Know Could Get Rid of Pilonidal Cysts
How to Get Rid of Pilonidal Cysts?: First of all, what even is a pilonidal cyst? Have you ever heard of it? If not, you are not the only one. A pilonidal cyst is a sac or pocket that is filled with skin debris and hair and forms at the top of the buttock crease…
How to Treat Flea Bites in Humans; 7 Tried & Tested Home Remedies
How to Treat Flea Bites in Humans?: While fleas do not usually feed on humans. But if your pet has brought them home, it is highly likely that you and your family members will be bitten at some point or another. Flea bites can be extremely itchy and cause a lot of discomfort. In rare…
How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms in Dogs? 10 Natural Remedies
How to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms in Dogs?: If you have a dog as a pet, we do not have to tell you how much it hurts when it is sick! Have you ever thought about what is to be done if your dog gets intestinal worms? Remember that most dogs will eventually get…
How to Get Rid of a Splinter Safely? Try These 10 Home Remedies!
Just wound up a carpentry job and feeling great about it? Congratulations! While a DIY job is very rewarding, it comes with its own set of risks! Sometimes small fragments of wood, glass or metal, call splinters, can get embedded in the skin. They can be extremely painful and you need to deal with them…
One Stop Guide to Choose The Right Health Insurance For Women
Health Insurance for Women: Gone are those days when the role of women was largely limited to managing the household chores and looking after the kids. Despite the prevalent gender discrimination and societal prejudices- modern women do not shy from matching their male counterparts in education and career fronts! While Indian women are becoming more…
10 Home Remedies for Osteopenia to Treat and Prevent It Naturally
Home Remedies for Osteopenia: Osteopenia is a condition affecting the density of your bone mineral. It is an early sign of bone loss and a sign alerting you on the condition of your bone health. If you suffer from osteopenia, it is important to take steps to prevent your bone mass from deteriorating any further.…
How to Stop Wheezing Quickly?; 10 Home Remedies to Help You
How to stop wheezing quickly?: A high-pitched whistling sound called wheezing occurs when you breathe through obstructed or narrowed respiratory airways. You can hear this sound clearly when exhaling. If you suffer from wheezing for a prolonged period, it can worsen and have an adverse effect on your quality of life by keeping you from…
How to Get Rid of Caffeine Addiction with Home Remedies?; 10 Methods
Who doesn’t love a cup of hot coffee in the morning? It helps you kick-start your day and refreshes you instantly! But, if you are addicted to coffee, you could be heading towards trouble! Although drinking coffee moderately possesses its own health benefits, consuming caffeine in excess could have an adverse effect on your health…
10 Home Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome and Your Digestion Health Overall
Home Remedies for Leaky Gut Syndrome: Ever heard of Leaky Gut Syndrome? Wondering what it is? Also known as intestinal hyperpermeability, leaky gut is an increasingly common disorder that occurs when something goes wrong in the complex process of digestion. In this condition, perforations develop and undigested food, toxins, and other harmful substances return back…