Category: Information
How To Increase Memory Power?; Foods, Yoga Asanas and Techniques
Increase Memory Power : Human brains are probably the most complex living structure possible. Weighing at about 1.5kg each, this organ consists of over 100 billion neurons passing signals to each other. It’s the brain that control the cognitive functioning of our speaking, thinking, planning, imagining, reasoning and physical movements. To perform well in your…
20 Healthy Snacks To Satisfy Your Growling Stomachs
Healthy Snacks : Some of us adults can’t go even a day without snacks. Snack time is probably the most awaited moment of each day, and sometimes is made as mandatory as breakfast. Snacking plays its very own role in maintaining your health overall. It helps by preventing you from consuming more calories when you…
Simple Guide To Choosing The Right Bra Size
No women deserve to wear an ill-fitting bra. It is extremely crucial that the bra you wear gives you the perfect comfort, shape and confidence. Put on your bra, and stand in front of the mirror. Do you see your breasts spilling out of the cup? Or is there in your cup plenty of room…
6 Ultimate Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water
Reasons To Stop Drinking Bottled Water : This time, it has come down to a battle between tap water and mineral water, or also known as bottled water. By comparison, which one is better? Is bottled water a healthier choice? First, we should learn and understand that both tap and mineral water have their pros…
45 Astonishing Facts About Eyes – By HNBT
The eye is another wonderful feature that the human and animal body boasts of. They need to be looked after just like the other body parts. They are very delicate and might get damaged very easily.Here we have for you some facts about eyes which we bet you will not be aware of!
Unbelievable Benefits & Uses Of Cucumber [Infographic]
Cucumber, a vegetable that’s well known by everyone. It tastes really good and little do people know about its health and beauty benefits. So, HNBT has decided to bring to you the benefits of eating cucumber and some beauty treatments of cucumber.
Topics You Never Learnt in Sex Education Class [Infographic]
Sex education in schools is very important in 21st Century. According to WHO, about 16 million adolescent girls give birth every year. You can calculate the rate of teenage pregnancy across the world. This is due to lack of sex/ adult education. Every one hour, two young people will contract HIV on average. But the point is,…
50 Little-known, But Interesting Facts About The ‘HUMAN BODY’
There are seven billion people on this planet belonging to same species of homo sapiens. And we certainly have many things in common, as humans. We at HNBT have decided to enlighten you with some little-known facts about the human body that we bet you are not aware of!
10 Natural Antibiotics From Your Kitchen You Should Know
Natural Antibiotics : Foods are your medicine. What you eat is what you become. These quotes keeps us constantly reminded the importance of eating good foods to stay fit and healthy. Previously, we listed out 10 natural painkillers that you can find in your kitchen. And this time, we have decided to share with you a…
30 Incredible Health & Skin Benefits Of Banana
Banana, a fruit which everyone is familiar with. No many are aware of its health benefits. It also has some amazing beauty benefits. So this time HNBT brings to you an article on banana – health benefits of banana, skin benefits of banana and how to apply it on your skin.